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Tick, Tick, Tick

The clock was so loud in the hospital room. The redhead newly teenage girl starred at the ceiling, her green eyes fixated on a small fly that was hovering around the light. She had been staring at that stupid fly for twenty minutes.

She groaned as the light finally got to her and made her eyes hurt slightly. The last place she wanted to be was sat in a stupid hospital bed with her arm in a sling. Her curtains surrounding the bed were closed and Max dared not open them with Vernon sitting on the chair next to her.

He wanted to minimise the amount of people she could talk to while here. "You shouldn't talk to strangers." He had scolded her when she tried to start a conversation with the old lady in the waiting room earlier that day. Max rolled her eyes at this excuse. He would be overjoyed with the news of her going missing.

No, in reality he didn't want her to let it slip that the reason she was here in the first place was because of him. He didn't want social services poking their noses around them.

She just wanted to get out of here as fast as possible but waiting for a doctor to come back with an X-ray of her arm was taking a while and she was sure a kid was not their priority as kids would come in with broken arms all the time.

'An skateboarding accident' Is what Vernon told the doctors and with the firm grip on her shoulder she knew not to say anything else. Besides if she did she knew Harry and her would end up in the system and she didn't want her summers spent with anyone but Harry.

Speaking of Harry he was probably worried sick. He screamed at Vernon after what had happened and Max had never seen her brother that angry but the Dursleys refused to take them both to the hospital and Harry knew his sister needed medical attention.

Harry hated the idea of leaving her with that man so was constantly contacting his sister to make sure she was okay.

"Have you been seen yet?" The voice of Harry Potter echoed in her mind. She sighed and replied "Nothing yet" The twins have always been able to talk to each other through their minds. Before they knew they had magic they believed it was a twintelpathy thing; they had seen many documentaries on the television about it. They had told the Dursleys once but that led to them being shut in their cupboard so they just got used to not telling people. At school they found another use for it, helping each other in class, talking in class or helping each other on tests. Only a handful of people knew Hermione and Ron, their best friends, and Max assumed Dumbledore knew he seemed to know everything.

"And Vernon?" Harry asked, snapping Max away from her thoughts and back to the conversation. Max looked over to her uncle who was reading the newspaper Max could see on the front page 'Serial killer Sirius Black escapes high security prison.' Vernon looked up from his paper seeing the red head steer at him he just sent her a small smile. Max rolled her eyes and turned over. He was trying to act nice out of fear of her telling. He may have even felt a little guilty about what happened but Max doubted it.

"Not speaking to me, just smiling, which is kinda creepy." She sent back to her brother. "Trying to act like the caring uncle I expect." Max murmured in agreement. "Think this year will be less crazy?" Max asked her brother fiddling with her friendship bracelet Hermione got her for her last birthday. "Definitely can't get more hectic than the chamber of secrets can it?" Harry sounded optimistic but something in Max's gut told her to expect otherwise but she shrugged this feeling off.

The last two years had been crazy to say the least. Maxine and her twin brother Harry found out that they had magic like their parents who had not in fact died in a car accident but was blown up by an evil wizard who wanted to kill her brother because he was destined to kill him. Voldermort was his name and he had failed obviously, though in their first year they found that he was living off the head of their defence against the dark arts teacher who was trying to steal the philosophers stone to help him be immortal. The twins had helped stop him from getting it.

Second year attacks started on muggle borns and the chamber of secrets was opened and after Harry called off a snake from attacking one of their classmates everyone thought that they were heirs of Slytherin even though Max can't talk to snakes. Turns out it was a version of good old Voldy from years ago who had bewitched a diary which was then given to Ginny Weasley who was then possessed to open the chamber of secrets. Max had gotten Petrified alongside her best friend Herminone Granger after they went to the library after they realised it was a basilisk that was petrified students and that Hagrid was innocent.

Max had no idea what would happen this year but she was sure that it would be a much quieter year where the biggest problem would be what Seamus blew up this time, or what gossip Lavender and Pavari were spreading. Yeah this year will be a lot more normal right?.... RIGHT?

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