"Sarcasm" [Chp. 1]

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[Hero POV] 

As I wake up with a throbbing head ache with fuzzy memories from what happened before. I slowly gain consciousness as I look around the dark room. While I look around my surroundings I hear a sigh from my side and it no other then the supervillain themselves. Tied to a chair with ropes that can't be untied by the boy in the chair.

  As the villain speaks, " Your finally awake dickhead you sleep like sleeping beauty."  

The hero immediately shoots back in defense "Did you kiss me, so you could wake me up then Phelan-?". The hero says in sarcasm. 

"Shut it, Haxell." Phelan says with a groan of annoyance.

 [The names are their hero/villain names] 

"You're a Villain why would I do that-?" Haxell says grinning knowingly he will piss him off.

"We are both stuck here, and we have no way out dipshit." Phelan says giving him a death stare. 

"Just don't do anything bad got it-?" He says giving him a serious look. 

"Yeah,Yeah will do" the villain says rolling his eyes at the hero. Obviously pissing him off and t(e hero just sighed. 

"Were are we -?" The hero asks. 

"If I knew I would tell you darling." The villain says in a sarcastic tone. 

Of course me and this "Villain" aren't exactly to fond of each other, but neither of us try to kill, each other. The "Villain" I am talking about is Phelan a pain in the ass villain leader who can always win an argument. I never was able to figure out was his power was, but I never been able to find anything "useful", as I would say. 

[Villain POV]

"You're really an ass" I say looking at the black haired boy with beautiful red one white stripes in his hair. 

As the so called "best hero" is lost in his thoughts starring in to the shadows of the pitch black room. He suddenly shot up out of his so called "fantasy", and looked at me with his bright blue eyes glowing in the shadows, as I stand in front of them, and began squatting to face the blue eyed hero were he is sitting. 

"Says you" He shoots back as a response after staring at me for a moment. 

I watch him, as he slowly tries to get up but fumbles, and falls into my arms causing me to catch Him and stand up with him leaning on me. "Your bleeding, and pretty badly." I say touching his head, as blood triples down his face smearing the blood onto my fingers. I lick the blood then smirk, and I receive a dumbfounded face from Haxell. 

"Since when did you care "big bad supervillain". He says with a chuckle. 

Which very much makes me lose my cool, and makes it easy to tell I want to punch him.  

"Lose your temper RJ-?" He looks me dead in the eyes with a smirk. 

"How the fuck do you know my na-" I say but get cut off as I choked on air after realizing I am sitting on him in what let's call a "unpleasant" position. The posture is my leg In between his legs one of my hands on the black haired boys waist, and one on the queen sized bed that we somehow ended up on. 

"Don't move-" he says his light pale face turning different shades of pink and red. 

"Ahh~ Fuck~" he lets out biting his lip.

 I smirk and move my leg more getting forcefully pushed off the bed causing me to hit my head one the hardwood floor.

 "Ow" I say whimpering while rubbing the back of my now bruised head. 

"I told you not to move asshole" they say obviously annoyed and stand up. 

"You're not gonna help me sleeping beauty-?" I teased getting up. But continued get slapped by the so called hero. 

"I have a girlfriend dickhead." He says as he kneels down and takes a lock picking tool out and opens the door after a few try's of failing. 

"Damn, you hit hard" I say rubbing my now swelled cheek and walk out he door just to walk home in the cold frigid rain alone. I take my phone to see if by some magic my phone wouldn't be dead since I haven't charged it since Friday but no luck it good as dead. 

"Were the bloody hell have you been RJ!?" Fantasy the brains of the villains they had been born with a power called precognition which lets them see anything of their desires in a blink of an eyes, but if it goes to deep to try to see something there is a consequence they said there are numerous numbers. Fantasy is a Non-Binary with beautiful black skin with light colored pigment marks over her skin and a  3rd eye on their forehead that they use for their power. Their real name is Faye who has orange hair with black under her hair, and hazel eyes with a splash of blue on the rim of their eyes. 

"Fantasy, why the hell you still up-?" I say looking a them with sympathy as she never told u their age but by the ways they act seems around 12-15 but they sure can fight. 

"Ethan is drunk and won't get his ass up, and out of my bed!" Faye says annoyed and pouting with their arms crossed and looking to the left.

 Ethan is a pretty laid back guy who drinks a lot, always has a hangover, and smokes. He will definitely be the first to die from lung cancer that for sure but I might die from secondhand-smoking. But, he does have a "unique" power you could say. He has the power to turn anything to water and turn it back making him be able to morph himself to look like anything, and can control water. 

You can sleep with me as they come up, and hug me. Then I lift Faye up and bring them to my room and give them their favorite stuffed animal. A tiny little alpaca plush that's black and has three eyes with beautiful sapphire eyes, and they say that his name is Sir. Pinkleton. I said it wasn't to fond of a name choice but they didn't care. As I set them down on my bed I cleaned my room on Monday but  it was Thursday. when I checked what time it was it turned out to be 2am (in the morning) I was exhausted. I set out a sleeping bag, and slept on the floor at least there was carpet that made it more pleasant. But those words kept repeating in the back of my bruised head.

"I have a  girlfriend dickhead" constantly repeating in my head making it miserable to try to sleep, and to make it worse I am sleeping on the floor as well. 

Should I Make these longer, or shorter-? Or the same!! 

!Word count: 1053 words! 

This took forever so if you enjoyed it can you favorite it-? Also if this gets a few views I'll make another chapter explaining more of this universe type of thing- Anyways have a good day/night!! Also bad grammar 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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