💌𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭💌

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I wake up to the most annoying alarm sound right next to my ear. I should not have had put my phone so close to my head. The time read '6:50 AM'.

I get out of my bed and pick out an outfit for the first day of senior year. I was not excited once so ever. I have always hated school. I've always been the outcast, I have only had one good friend that moved away and we never stayed in touch. Her name was Claire. I was always being shit on by other girls, every day.

I wanted to find a decent outfit for the first day to make a good first impression. I put on some baggy brown cargo pants with a long sleeve white fitted cropped shirt. I accessorized with small gold hooped earrings with a gold chained heart necklace and a white beaded necklace. I put on a couple gold rings and slid on my brown converse. I sat down at my vanity and put on some light makeup. I curled my hair and sprayed a bit of perfume and packed up my backpack and grabbed my car keys and hurried down stairs because I needed to be at school in 20 minutes. The first bell rang at 8:00 AM and it was already 7:40 AM. My mom had made me a slice of toast that I grabbed off the plate and quickly hugged my mom goodbye. "Bye mom I'll be home after school!" "Have a good first day!" My mom squeezed me back.

I got into my car and threw my backpack onto the passenger seat and drove to school listening to my favorite songs the whole way there. I arrived at school and got out of my car and grabbed my backpack and walked into the building. I started walking down the hall to my home room and I soon noticed that most eyes were on me and girls were whispering to their friends. Fuck. I hate this. Why can't these bitches keep to themselves. "Hey y/n! Looking a little too pretty today." Brielle. The girl who has talked shit about me since 1st grade. "Thanks, I guess?..." "A little slutty if you ask me." She smirked crossing her arms. "Okay." Is all I said as I walked passed her as I heard her yell down the hall "Y/n! Don't embarrass your self already!" I started hearing other students laughing around me, at me. I tried not to start breaking down. I held back my tears as best I could and walked into my home room. There were already a few kids in there but none of them were looking at me, just talking to their friends. So I wasn't bothered. I sat down at the desk in the back of the class with a spot next to me but I knew no one would sit down there. A couple minutes later a boy with dark brown short hair and bright blue eyes walked into the room. I immediately noticed how unbothered he was by the students, he just looked so happy. He scanned the room for a minute looking for somewhere to sit. "You must be Nicolas?" Mr. Nelson asked the brown haired boy. "That's me!" "Ah, you can go have a seat next to y/n over there, looks like she could use a friend." Nick nodded and walked over to the open spot next to me. Fuck my life. "Hi." Nick spoke with a smile across his lips. "Hello." "So what do you even do in home room?" Nick questioned. "You basically just take roll and hangout." "Oh alright sounds easy enough." "Yeah" I didn't know why he was talking to me but I looked down and noticed his jeans with flowers painted on them. "I love your pants by the way!" I said looking at them. "Oh thank you! I thrifted them, maybe some time you should come with me?" I smiled at the kind gesture "I'd love that" Nick smiled back and we spent the rest of home room talking, and sharing our favorite clothing brands and laughing, he was a very humorous person and I liked that.

The bell rang a little while later. "What's your next class?" Nick asked. "Oh, math. I hate math." I sighed. "God better then me, I have science. I hate science!" "No way, science is way better than math." I argued. "Incorrect." Nick said laughing swinging his backpack over his shoulder and I did so too and we walked out of the class together. "I'll see you later!" Nick said starting to walk the opposite way. I waved and smiled. Math was slow and boring. Nothing exciting. As the bell rang after math I went up to my teachers front desk and grabbed the 3 math text books she required for her class. I was planning on going to find my locker and put these giant books in there before language arts started. As I walked out of the class another boy with dark brown hair that almost looked exactly like Nick brushed past me bumping my shoulder causing me to drop my books. "Shit!" I say under my breath as I bend down to pick them up. I notice someone squat down and start helping me pick up the books. I look up and notice it is the other brown haired boy with the same eyes as Nick. "I am so sorry, I was not paying attention" the boy said handing me one of the three books. "It's alright" I say half smiling. "Um, I'm Matt by the way." "Y/n." "Well it was nice meeting you y/n... in this way" I laugh as we both stand up "you too Matt" "I'll see you around." Matt said walking past me. I waved. What the fuck is going on. Why am I seeing two of the same people in one day?

💌𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔💌 • 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐Where stories live. Discover now