Chapter 1

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  The big white airship moves smoothly through the sky, heading towards the landing zone at Beacon Academy. A prestigious school, Beacon Academy is a place where young, hopeful men and women go to train, learn, and evolve their hearts, minds, and bodies to perfection for their chosen profession, that being Hunstman and Huntresses. These esteemed individuals are civilization's greatest defense against the horrid, violent, ravenous, creatures that roam outside the kingdom's walls. They are known as the Grimm, violent creatures of black, white, and red that are determined to devour all of humanity and Faunus kind. Through these brave heroes, the Grimm can be fought, defeated, and driven back, away from the people that make up the Kingdom's population.
  Sitting by the window sits a young man, who looks out at the stunning cityscape below. He's tall, standing at an impressive 6 feet, four inches. Largely built, with a muscular form, his face betrays his body's tale of a big, hulking brute. Handsome, with a nose that isn't too large or small, a mouth of little description, and a strong chin, he has the face of someone who wouldn't stand out too much. It's the face that seems familiar, but you can't place where you would've seen it. The face that a predator such as he would benefit from. He has a mess of jet black hair, with red eyes that are sharp and intelligent looking. He turns to look around his surroundings, taking in the faces, builds, and equipment of the hopefuls surrounding him. His eyes move from one person to the next, while coming to rest on a fellow about an inch shorter than he is, with blonde hair and blue eyes. The blonde haired boy's face is about as green as the trees that make up the forest on the outskirts of the city. The blonde boy stands up, and runs down the aisle to the bathroom. The young man watches the blonde boy go, his gaze coming to rest on a pair of girls standing by one of the windows.
  They were both very pretty, one of them taller than the other. Blonde, with lilac eyes, her body was the shape of an hourglass, with large, enticing breasts and wide hips. She wears a mixture of browns, oranges, and yellows, with a purple bandanna tied around one of her legs where her boot ends. On her wrists are a pair of what seem to be golden bracelets, but something warns the young man that those are dangerous items. The other girl, shorter, with red and black hair, and clothing of matching colors. She wears a long red cape, and has a weapon of some kind folded on her back. But the most striking feature about this girl are her eyes. They're a deep, liquid silver color, just the sight of them sends chills down the young man's spine. She talks with the blonde girl, loud enough for the young man to hear.
  "Yang, please don't make a fuss over this. I don't want people to think I'm weird, or that I'm strange in any way. I don't want to call attention to the fact I've skipped two years of school to attend here." The blonde, Yang, smiles and tousles the shorter girl's hair. "Come on Ruby, it's an impressive thing you've done. Everyone around here will think you're the bees knees. And I'm proud that my little sister has gotten herself accepted to Beacon at the same time I did. You deserve this Ruby. I have complete faith that you will be one of the greats here. Well, even if you do it within my shadow." She laughs at Ruby's pouting face. Ruby speaks in an annoyed voice. "I don't want to be the bees knees Yang. I want to be a normal girl, with normal knees." Before Yang can respond, a voice comes over the speakers in the ceiling of the cabin. "We are beginning our descent to the landing pad of Beacon Academy. Please gather up all belongings, and head to the academy's main hall once we've landed." The chatter around the young man picks up as the two girls follow the other students to the exit, eager to disembark on this next phase of their lives. The young man stands, and rolls his head back and forth while flexing his shoulders, causing an audible popping sound to be heard.
  "Right then. It's time to get started." He says as he picks up his bag and heads to the exit door. Time for his mission to begin.

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