Chapter 2

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The first thing the young man took in as he stepped off the airship was the scent. In the air was a fresh, natural aroma that spoke to him, letting him know that he was in the forest. Trees surrounded the lowlands beyond the cliffs the Academy rested upon. A large, emerald green forest as far as the eye could see. Packed, he could sense, with hundreds of Grimm, of all varieties. He walked past the blonde boy from the airship, who was violently vomiting into a nearby trash can. He wrinkled his nose in disgust. That was not a scent he needed to have experienced, as he moved onto the walkway leading up to the large, impressive academy buildings. The courtyard was a wide open space, surrounded by a semicircle of white stone pillars that made up some sort of fancy architecture. Around him students walk, some chatting about the new arrivals, others hurrying to reach previous engagements. The young man walked forward, passing by the girl in red, Ruby, her name was. He just was able to take in the sight of another girl, but the details of her appearance were lost to him as, suddenly, he was enveloped in a fiery explosion, originating from where Ruby and the other girl were standing. He leapt backwards just in time for the force of the explosion to carry him away from the fireball that had engulfed the two unfortunate souls before him. He landed on his feet, surprised to see a spot blackened Ruby standing in a crater. Beside her stood a slightly shorter girl dressed all in white. The young man could tell right away from her appearance, her mannerisms, and her clothing that two things were certain of this girl. A, she was most definitely a member of the Schnee family, and B, that meant that there was probably enough dust in her luggage to blow half the school off the cliff. He watched as the two argue, each blaming the other for the event that just occurred. The Schnee girl was beside herself with white fury. "Why don't you watch where it is you're walking, you clumsy dolt!" Ruby glares at her with an equally intense red fury. "Hey I said I was sorry princess." Before the two could go further, the young man sensed the presence of someone else, and turned to view who it was.
She had to be the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She was pale, slender, dressed in black and white, with long, flowing, raven black hair adorned with a bow atop her head. But what drew his attention most, were here eyes. Deep amber, reminiscent of wood inside a fire. Her gaze was sharp and piercing, but they had a warmth in them that made his heart skip a beat. She stepped forward and interjected herself into the conversation, her voice low, but having a sense of quiet confidence. "It's Heiress, actually. Weiss Schnee, second heiress to the Schnee dust company. A company famous for it's nasty labor laws and questionable business partners." This line served to make Weiss even more furious. She gathered up her bags and left in a huff. Ruby turned to thank the mysterious girl in black, but she had gone already. Ruby just fell back onto her butt on the ground, confused at what just occurred. She then noticed the young man, who was still looking after the girl in black. This feeling was new to him. The feeling of attraction to something or someone that wasn't his goal. He shook his head, clearing his mind of idle thoughts. "Focus" he muttered to himself. Ruby was about to rise to her feet and approach when she was distracted by the blonde boy from the airship, who had came over and held out his hand to her. The young man, having no interest in their exchange, did as was told by the airship announcer and started to head towards the great hall of the school.
Along the way, he stopped when he encountered the girl in black again. She sat on a bench in the courtyard, her gaze fixed on a book. Her eyes peered over the book to take in the appearance of the young man. She then went back to reading as if he wasn't there. Once again, he found himself allured to her, for reasons he couldn't explain. She isn't important. He thinks to himself. She's not someone you need to associate with. So why are you stopping to gaze at her like this? The girl closed her eyes, as if irritated, and snaps the book shut. "Can I help you?" She asked. Her voice wasn't exactly hostile, but it had an annoyed tone to it, as if she found his presence grating. He shook his head and focused himself. "No, I'm sorry to have bothered you Miss. Forget about me." He tore his gaze away from her and proceeded towards the great hall. I need to watch myself around her, he thought to himself as he proceeded inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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