Short Section 4: Fading Resemblance

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When the ride was over, I proceeded to walk down the walkway, but as soon as I did, I stopped because my bones were firmly anchored to the entrance of the roller coaster.

Before the change on the roller coaster started to fade, people around me started to move and shout, and words of enthusiasm started to fill the space.

I had never felt this way before in my life, yet the one emotion I yearned to experience once more, started to go forever, and I had no idea why.

I felt a weird sensation, like the last pit of hell was swallowing me whole; I've never knew it came to this experience that I'll ever feel.

I began hearing the sounds of people screaming with joy and fear, the one emotion I wanted to pertain was joy; I could not think of a solution to get some experience and advanced care of something that I wanted.

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