Chapter 7

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Hass is so fucking boring, I think I fell asleep at least 3 times listening to this teacher

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Hass is so fucking boring, I think I fell asleep at least 3 times listening to this teacher.

Some guys behind me are make paper planes and throwing them around, ONE ACTUALLY HIT ME IN THE HEAD, it was so annoying.

Right now we are learning about the Black Death even though I literally did this in year 8 but I guess they wanted to refresh our brains.

I've made about 2 pages filled of information because my teacher sent out questions for us to answer.

"Late again I see" professor mac says to a guy that just ran into class,

"Yeah well this gir-" this kid gets cut of by professor

"Ok ok I get it I don't need your sex life kid, take a seat next to miss cristiano and please I'm begging you don't make to much noise, please raise your hand" professor says in a begging tone.

I raise my hand.

"Yeah yeah ok" the guy says walking up the stairs to the table I'm sitting at,

"Well hello" he says sitting down smirking at me.

I scoff and roll my eyes at him, putting my hand down.

"What no hello or a hi? That's pretty rude you know" he says staring at me, I roll my eyes again

"Well I don't wanna talk to you isn't that obvious?" I question him

He just smiles at me and continues staring.

"What's your name?" He asks me curiously,

"Don't you get it I don't want to talk to you?" I turn to him and glare at him, he just chuckles.

"Well my name is Matthew but you can call me Matt or matty" Matthew says smiling at me.

I roll my eyes again.

"Fine my name is..." Jenny? Yeah Jenny "Jenny my name is Jenny" I lie to him,

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, mhm doesn't suit you very much? Does it? I feel like you are lying to me Miss Cristiano" Matthew tuts.

I turn back around to my laptop and ignore him, and start to play games because I'm already done.

I check the time seeing the lesson is going to end so I started packing up even though I just started to play games but oh well.

I turn my head a little bit seeing he's still staring, I groan and hit my head into the table rolling my eyes.

Fuck that hurt.

"Ooo that looked like it hurt" Matthew laughs at me.

"Can you just leave me alone please you are giving me a headache" I say lifting my head up and looking at him.

"Oh sorr-" Matthew gets cut off from the bell ringing, I quickly stand up making my chair push into the table.

I put the seat back where it belongs and start jogging past Matthew, down the steps and out the door.

I run to the gym not wanting to be late to see who got in.


I finally made it to the gym getting a little confused of where to go so I asked a few people and they told me the way.

I walk through the doors, walking more further into the gym seeing a few people there I look around trying to find Rye,

"NOVY!!!" I turn around hearing someone screaming my name, as I was turning around I see Rye running up to me in full speed and pushing right into me, we both fall to the floor.

"Omg what the hell perra" I groan from how heavy she is [bitch]

"Oh... I'm so sorry" Rye laughs,

I roll my eyes at her pushing her off of me and sitting up looking around to see everyone is staring at us.

I turn red from the embarrassment and quickly stand up, I look down to see Rye holding her hand out for me to help her up, I roll my eyes at her and grab her arm pulling her up.

"Thanks bae" Rye says skipping away to the board where if people are in or not.

I roll my eyes at her and go after her to see as well,

"Ok girls are you ready to see the results?" Coach  Skye asks us, some say yes and some say maybe, I of course say yes.

"Ok girls some may not be in so don't get too jealous or mad you still have next year and the next after" Coach Avery tells us, we all nod our heads.

"Ok... 1... 2... 3..." Coach Avery puts the paper on to the board, everyone rushes to see if they are in, me and Rye are at the back waiting for our turns to see, we both hear some yes's and some are groaning from not getting in.

After all the girl moved away me and Rye started looking for ours names.

"OMG YES I GOT IN I GOT IN AHHH!!" Rye screams, I smile at her and kept on looking for my name...


"IM IN!!" I yell,

"AHHH YES!!!" Rye screams, jumping up and down, and starts hugging me

"YESS WE BOTH MADE IT!!!" Rye scream again but now in my ear, ouch.

We both smile at each other and squeeze each other even tighter.







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