Good bye gift

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The airport. The sound of roaring engines and the voices of various people surrounding it. The one place that Serena has feared the most since she has met with Ash after she saw that Garchomp incident in Lumiose City. How she remembered that moment, thinking that it wasn't a long time ago, but actually it had been a few years and a bit after that incident had been aired in the television and how Serena then recognised Ash's face in the television. Now though, she is now 18 years old and her journey with Ash, Clemont and Bonnie was coming to an end, finally at the end of its chapter, finally coming to its end after they have gotten to where their dreams were – the Kalos League for Ash and the Master Class for Serena.

Serena sighed. She just couldn't believe that everything was coming to its end, how everything passed by so quickly, like she didn't even notice it, or that she just had too much fun during her journey with her best friends that she could ever possibly have and didn't notice the time just went by her, like a gust of summer breeze. Many of her friends as well as the other's friends went by to their own separate ways, most likely going to go and continue to chase after their dreams; however, Serena still has to make choice on what she wanted to do next.

Also, what she couldn't believe was the time spending with Ash is now coming to an end. She just couldn't let go of him, right after just finding her only childhood friend, reuniting with him after such a long time, and now he is going to leave her behind, knowing that he still had a dream to follow. Luckily though for Serena, at least they still have one more night to spend together as a group, since Ash's flight was going to leave tomorrow, but Serena feels that that isn't enough time for her to at least make a move on Ash, which is what she was trying to do during this journey, making a move to the most densest person she could have ever met.

Serena smiled, well put in a fake smile, whilst holding her trusty pink tablet. "Well, we're nearly there to the airport."

Clemont nodded. "That's interesting, since we got here quicker than I have calculated on the top of my head."

Ash raised his eyebrow quizzically. "Really Clemont? So, we're early?"

"That's right, Ash." Clemont responded quite gladly. "It gives us some time to spend together as a group before finally going to our separate ways."

Bonnie tapped Serena's arm whilst grinning. "So, what are you going to Ash, Serena?"

Serena blushed. "Bonnie!"

Ash turned around looking confused as always. "What's going on back there?"

Bonnie smiled, hiding the real truth. "Nothing, Ash! Just Serena being like herself, that's all!"

Serena sighed. "Yeah, nothing's going on here."

Clemont grinned. "Oh really, Serena?"

To be honest, Serena was actually planning something anyway, so Clemont and Bonnie's suspicions were kind of correct. I mean, Serena was actually planning something, but this plan of hers is not what they might think it was. Serena was actually holding this plan in her head for a while now, since Miette gave this idea about a couple weeks ago to Serena, which Serena didn't expect her doing, since Miette is the type of girl who always teases Serena on something, especially trying to show that Serena has a crush on Ash, but no matter, since Serena is going to do it tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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