chapter one the child

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After note Hi there hes been an It's been a while since I made a new story but here it is this story will take place before the peppino  went to the tower The savy is gonna be 5 years old But you know I think it's about 30 to so take it as a grain of salt but I'm gonna put it on in 30 where he had hair So this is where the story take place good luck you're going to need it while Read this

It was an early morning in pepino's
restaurant He went as I did take out the trash as usual But something was different something was off There was movement in the trash Unusual movement like he usually knew how to take out the trash Then suddenly He saw A child inside of it And peppino's words he said

Peppino: What the

The child: Oh I'm sorry Mr. I'll get out of your trash out

Peppino: Oh no you're not You're coming inside with me in the restaurant and we're gonna talk about this ok

The child: Ok?

When peppino entered his restaurant the restaurant was Greasy because of the pizza There was broken holes in the walls and there was a good food in there actually

Peppino: OK let's start ?how did you get in my trash? 2nd question ?what are your parents?

The child: Oh um That's the funny question I am an Orphan who my parents left me in the dumpster just to leave me

Peppino: Oh my a god ummmm anyway
Then I'm so sorry to hear that That should have been awful I have a better idea How about I Adopt you ?how those that sound?

The child: And how do I know you're not gonna abandon me How do I know that you're just gonna leave me somewhere alone Well you are kind enough not to call the police on me I guess it's OK?

Peppino: OK this might be difficult Because I don't know how to Raise a child because you know I don't have you know I never have a child But I guess it gonna be a fun experience Alright 1st of all we're gonna need to go to an adoption center so I can adopt you

I'm not gonna go over all the rules of the child the dashing quarter whatever so I'm just gonna skip to Adopted savy

Time skip now pepino is 39 and savy is a worker in peppinos pizzeria not a slavef but worker peppino pays her to work whith im

Savy: OK that should be the last pizza for today Hey Dad can I ask you a question

Peppino: Sure what is it

Savy: Do you have like a scrap book that I can see your pass

Peppino Sure let me get it

While peppino goes to look for the scrapbook savy Notice something a bit strange There was a building a tower Nearby peppinos Pizzeria

Peppino: OK I got The scrap book you you can Read it if you want then you're looking at my past because this is not gonna be seen again there's a lot of embarrassing things In there

Peppino noticed that she was looking at something

Peppino: What is Dear

Peppino notice the tower

Peppino: Huh ohh well as long as they're not my competition is fine Come on let's go it's gettingly and it's time for your bed It's time The So So let's go Home

Savy: Okay

Well peppino was Preparing the scooter to go home savy Look at the tower in curiosity

one year skip

Is peppino's age 40 savy 15

Peppino was In the tables of his restaurone in complete disorder

Peppino: OK let's see how much money do you have to pay this debt oh boy i only have 2 gold coins i dont have Enough to pay debts

Savy:papa are you ok

Savy Is looks at peppino in worry

Peppino: Oh no it's OK dear I don't have enough money to pay debt But at least you're here to keep me company and happiness

And then all of a sudden pizza face appeared He said

Pizza face: Mhaaaaaaaaaaaa Hello there pappino I'm here to tell you that I'm going to destroy your pizzeria With a giant laser up top of my tower

Peppina looks destroyed worried he imagines what hes gonna do in his pizzeria so He is not gonna lend a pizza tdestroy his pizzeria so he says too savy

Peppino: I'm going to prepare my bags and stop him

Savy: Papa what just happened

Peppino went to his room and His pack his bags he trusted savy To Help bag up some food so he can eat

What he didn't know is that she entered the bag She entered the bag and when she felt peppino grabbing She knew she was going to go to the tower

A couple of hours skip

Peppino: OK I'm inside the tower nokay what time is it oh geez I havet ate seens 12:36 am so i Guess I'll eat
Is peppino un zips bag and ses

Savy hahaha hi

Peppino: What are you doing here

Savy: I whant to help


Savy: Oh ok

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