1「R E P E R C U S S I O N S 」7

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𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄, Catherine tried her best to hide her whimpers as Jacob helped her back into the house, although they were quickly interrupted

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𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄, Catherine tried her best to hide her whimpers as Jacob helped her back into the house, although they were quickly interrupted.

Before they could even make it to the stairs, an unexpected Charlie walked into the room from the kitchen, his eyes widening as he watched his niece limp with Jacob's arm around her.

"What's going on, what happened?" Charlie asked confused and concerned as he hurriedly walked over to Catherine, although his eyes were directly moving between Jacob and Bella.

"She fell off a m-" Jacob tried to answer honestly, but his answer was interrupted by Bella who was quietly and nervously walking in behind the two of them.

"A bike," Bella answered quickly throwing a small look towards Jacob, although she didn't get to say that many words after she'd started. "she fell off a bike and ended up hitting-"

"No she didn't," Jacob argued back throwing a pointed look over at Bella, as he gently laid Catherine on the couch being careful of her hurt side. "she fell off a motorbike that Bella wanted to fix and ended up hitting a large rock."

"What?!" Charlie immediately shouted as he looked between the two teens, Bella quickly looked down at the ground as she rubbed the back of her neck.

Jacob, on the other hand, sighed as he knew telling the truth was better than coming up with a lie, there was no point in lying to the man when his girl was laying there in pain because he listened to Bella and her bullshit.

"I'm sorry Mr. Swan," Jacob spoke sincerely after a sigh, looking up at Charlie but not moving from his place in front of Catherine, with his hand holding hers. "a few weeks ago Bella came over and brought these bikes, she wanted me to fix them up."

Hearing this Charlie's eyes went wide, they'd been doing this for weeks under his eyes, and the main one was his daughter whom he thought was getting better, now that Catherine was here.

And yet it turns out she was turning the poor innocent girl, bad, it was the exact opposite of what he hoped would happen..what would he tell Catherine's parents?

"I should have said something, I should have told you," Jacob confessed softly, telling the full truth on why he helped, why he didn't put a stop to it before it even began. "but I wanted to give them a reason to keep coming around, I shouldn't have rebuilt the bikes."

With that Jacob went back to looking down at a hurt Catherine, the boy feeling a large amount of guilt as he watched her try and fight the pain as she avoided the pillows on the couch.

"I'm so sorry." Jacob apologized once more time even sincerely as he lightly grasped her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles before kissing them.

Seeing the boy so sincere about his niece, Charlie simply turned towards the person that seemed to be behind the entire thing, his young bad behaved Daughter.

Who was standing off to the side, trying to be invisible, and not engaging in the conversation.

"Bella, is that true?" Charlie asked simply whilst crossing his arms as he stared the girl down, despite her trying and failing to awkwardly avoid eye contact with him.

"No, I don't know what Jacob's talking about," Bella slowly spoke out a lie, holding both of her hands up and shrugging her shoulders trying to convey her innocence. "she fell off a bike."

"Catherine," Charlie spoke as he turned away from his lying daughter, in favor of his niece who was quick to take her eyes off of Jacob and look at him. "tell me the truth right now, now lady."

"I'm sorry Uncle Charlie," Catherine apologized as she shifted on the couch, before quickly stopping as she realized it hurt, all of which caused Bella to huff in annoyance. "I thought since I'd road one before that it wouldn't be as dangerous."

"Catherine that was very irresponsible, you had no safety gear, and road a bike that couldn't have possibly been road safe," Charlie was quick to scold the girl causing her to look down at the ground, Jacob carefully wrapped her arms around the girl the best he could. "but the fact that you are hurt, means you've partially learned your lesson."

"It is a really big bruise, Bunny." Jacob agreed with Charlie as he nodded his head, a small chuckle leaving his mouth as he tried to brighten up Catherine's mood for a moment.

"And I will be contacting Billy, Jacob." Charlie spoke nodding his head at Jacob, causing the young teen to look back at him from his position kneeling in front of Catherine.

"Yes Sir." Jacob said respectfully, he deserved to be put on punishment for ever letting Catherine get on the back of that bike with Bella.

The young Swan girl should have ridden on her own and Catherine should have ridden with him, at least then his girl wouldn't be laying on the couch in pain, it would only be Bella.

"Now onto you Isabella," Charlie said as he turned his attention onto his daughter, who was attempting to shrink in on herself to avoid his gaze. "you lied directly to my face young lady, you are grounded."

"But Charlie-" Bella quickly tried to argue against his punishment, although Charlie almost immediately cut off her words as he began to yell.

"No arguments Isabella," Charlie yelled at his daughter before pointing over towards the stairs, tired of looking at his daughter whom he was beginning to not recognize at all. "go up to your room, now!"

With that Bella let out a loud huff, before stomping her way up the stairs toward her bedroom, quick to slam the door the moment she got inside it.

Hearing the door slam, Charlie only let out a low sigh whilst running his hand down his face before he walked over to the couch and stood behind Jacob.

"How's her side?" He asked softly as he looked down at his niece and her boyfriend, although his question only caused Jacob to glance up at him before he turned back to Catherine.

The boy slowly reached over and pulled up the side of her sweater, allowing Charlie to see the large red bruise on her tan side, it going even deeper under her bra and over her ribs.

Although Jacob refused to lift her sweater that far without Catherine telling him so, he didn't want the girl to be uncomfortable even if Charlie is her Uncle.

"That can't be good kid," Charlie winced as he looked at the bruise, the man biting on the tip of his thumbnail out of worry. "I'll get you an icepack for the swelling."

"Thanks, Uncle Charlie." Catherine thanked him with a small nod of her head, before leaning back on the couch only hearing her Uncle walk out of the living room.

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