First Impressions

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Robb's POV

"You wanted to see me, Father?"

"Sit down, son." Robb took a seat across from his Father, trying desperately not to feel like a boy again. "The King and his party are arriving in Winterfell in two weeks."

"Yes, Father."

"You're not a boy anymore, Robb, you should know what is going on. Jon Arryn is dead, there is a very real chance he will ask me to be the new Hand of the King."

"A great honor." Robb said slowly. "But you're needed in Winterfell, Father."

"I would happily stay in Winterfell, son. I cannot deny the King if he asks. You've been training to be Lord of Winterfell since you were born, son. I have no doubt that if I head south, Winterfell will be in good hands, especially with Maester Luwin to help you. But the King may ask me something else as well."

"He wants to bind our houses." Robb murmured, meeting his Father's eyes as the man arched an eyebrow at him. "I'm not a boy anymore Father. I've been paying attention."

"Good lad." Ned smiled at his son, and Robb struggled not to light up the way he had when he was a boy, fighting for every scrap of his Fathers approval. "I don't' know if his plan is to bind Sansa to one of his sons, or you to his daughter. I want you to know, I cannot deny the King if he asks me to be his hand, but I will always fight for my children."

"I know Father."

"I would like you to consider it though. At the end of the day, I will let you choose your own bride, and it doesn't have to be now. But in a few years, you won't be a boy any longer, and it'll be time to become a man, to be a Lord. Princess Kailyah would be a good match, for you, for House Stark. By all accounts she's kind, and generous, and clever. She is from the South, but so was your Mother, and she's done well."

"I will consider it, Father."

"Good lad." Ned stood, walking around his large oak desk and clasping his son on his shoulder, before leading him back to the door. "You should get back to your lessons, son. We need to get ready for the Royal Party."


"Easy, boy." Robb murmured, gently scratching behind his Direwolves ears. His Direwolf whined quietly, resting it's head in Robb's knee, but didn't fight when Robb fastened a collar around his neck. He just whined softly, pouting up at him, and Robb smiled sadly, petting him. "I know. Your brothers and sisters will be here soon, Grey Wind. Once Father and Mother convince mine."

"Arya may very well win that fight." A voice murmured behind him, and Robb smiled when his half brother, Jon Snow, joined him on the stone floor at the back of the kennels, setting down his albino pup.

"Hello, Ghost." Robb said, scratching the runts ears for a moment before the pup was tackled by his brother. "Arya still fighting?"

"And Sansa. She's insisting that Lady's far better behaved than her brothers and sisters and should be allowed to at least stay in her rooms. Arya is saying that wouldn't be fair, and Rickon just cries when anyone try's to take his wolf away."

"And Bran?"

"He'll be down soon. He knows when his sisters fight like this everyone loses."

"If you can't agree, no one can have it." Robb quoted, and Jon chuckled, running a hand through his newly cut locks. Robb eyed him for a moment, pushing down his slight familiar jealousy- his half brother looked more like their Father than he ever did, with his Mothers coloring. His auburn curls had started to darken in the last few years, but he'd never quite gotten over how people would see Jon standing next to Father and assume he was Fathers true born heir.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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