Chapter 9: Axer

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1 week later

"Assemble ranks!" Axer yelled. The fifty knights behind him went from an unorganized cluster to ten rows of five knights in a flash. Their horses donned in gleaming armor, and their swords raised high, the cavalry began its march.

In the far-off distance was the silhouette of a town – Ambrose Town. They had only just exited the forest of Misty Woods – an aptly given name for the fog permeating the tree line. The Vasilios Estate was a day and a half's march from Ambrose Town, but to Axer, the time couldn't be any more excruciating.

Somewhere in that town, Indu resides. Will she be surprised to find me? Will I even get to see her in the first place? I don't know anything about her except that she lives there.

"I just need to get through the tedious process of meeting the Town Chief, and then I'll be free to find her," Axer muttered under his breath.

"My lord, who is this 'her' you keep referring to?" Elfsige quietly asked, riding directly behind Axer. He held the banner of the Vasilios family in his hands.

"You will know soon enough, Elfsige. All you need to worry about is carrying that banner high and showing the world the Lunar Knight's might."

"Yes, sir!" Elfsige shouted.

Axer smiled. He's such an enthusiastic guy. I did well recruiting him.

He had found Elfsige Grey a year ago. Back then, he had been a scrawny beggar looking for his next meal. Abandoned by his family, he roamed the streets of Vrago, the capital of the Xivalon Empire, for years. But no matter how hard life put him down, he never let his thirst for knowledge or will die out. It was an admirable trait and one of the many reasons Axer recruited him.

A little less than half an hour later, the cavalry stood before the walls of Ambrose Town.

"Count Vasilios, vassal of Emperor Saulomo Xivalon, has arrived!" Royce Ainsleys strode forward on his horse and yelled, his voice booming.

The five-meter tall, wooden town gates opened inward with a screech. All the town's guards lined the side, their swords pointed down. None wore their helmets as it was considered rude to cover your face before a noble, so Axer saw their faces clearly. However, the face of a shoulder-length, green-haired woman caught his interest in particular.

That woman, isn't she...? Axer smiled. I should check up on The Snake after I find Indu.

A crowd of people stood behind the line created by the guards. They cheered and roared his name, and seeing his smile, they roared even louder.

"Long live Vasilios!"

"Glory to the slayer of Sobek!"

"May the Human Guardian protect our peace for eternity!"

Axer raised his hand and waved. He didn't particularly care for their praise, but he had an image to keep as the savior of humans. Well, being praised is better than being scorned.

The cavalry walked a hundred meters before a group of men riding horses greeted them. The man leading them wore a suit of light, shining armor, his eyes shining with a smile. He stepped off his horse and knelt on his knee.

"Mr. Casalus Ambrose greets the Human Guardian Count Vasilios."

"I hope you're in good health, Town Chief," Axer asked as he motioned him to stand.

"I'm grateful for your concern, my lord. I am healthier than an ox." Mr. Casalus laughed as he stood. He pointed behind him with both hands. "We have prepared a feast for you to partake in, lord."

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