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I look around the hall for a while - waiting for a few more students to file in, all dripping wet from their venture here. As if by some unknown force I didn't know I possessed, I had torn my eyes from the alluring redhead.

This, however, soon proved to be pointless as her voice commanded the attention of the whole room. If evil and seduction had a voice, it would be hers. I'm in love. Well, not literally - villains don't get love, but we can have a little fun, no?

"Attention! Attention, future evil!" Her voice calls, commanding dominance and leaving no room for argument.

The room falls silent. "If you'd care to open your tiny, bloodshot eyes, you would find dormitories and class schedules around the hall. It would serve you well to memorise them both." She pauses for what must be dramatic effect. "Make me proud."

Conversation continues immediately after - the obnoxiously loud shouts and laughs fill the hall. I start to make my way around the dark corners to find my name in the hall. When I find it, it reads the following:

➥ Y/N DeVil
➥ First year - over age
➥ Room thirteen
➥ Lady Lesso {student councillor}

➥ 07:00 - 08:00 {breakfast}
08:00 - 08:45 {personal time}
08:45 - 09:45 {p.1; uglification}B.M
09:45 - 10:45 {p.2; villainous talents} L.L
10:45 - 11:00 {break period}
➥11:00 - 12:00 {p.3; surviving fairytales}Y
➥12:00 - 13:00 {p.4; henchmen training} C
➥13:00 - 14:00 {lunch break}
➥14:00 - 15:00 {p.5; curses deathtraps}L.L
➥15:00 - 18:00 {personal time/study}
➥18:00 - 19:00 {supper}
22:00 - 22:01 {curfew}

I smile. A good schedule, and I have room thirteen - one of the best numbers ever. I notice that there's a note scrawled on the back of my schedule in neat, cursive handwriting. 

It explains that, due to there being a 5 year age gap between me and the other first years, sharing a room has been disallowed. I can't really complain about the fact as I enjoy my own space and company.

The initials I have to collect my room key from read L.L as do multiple lessons. I can only assume they stand for the same woman who is my student councillor.

I'm quite excited about my lessons with this mystery woman, too. Considering my magic is quite strong, I hope to impress. I need academic validation. It's good to be self-aware.

I'm a tad disappointed that I probably won't be taught by the alluring red head who looks to be the head of the school. Oh well, I'll just find someone else to crush on.

During my daydream, I wasn't looking where I was going until it was too late - crashing into someone. My hand finds their wrist, and I drag them towards me; preventing their fall.

They step back quickly and regain composure at the same time I do, the sound of a cane hitting the floor, drawing my attention to their hands. Silver decorates their slender hands - nails and jewellery alike.

I meet their glare. Their peircing blue eyes seer into mine. Just my luck. I smile.

She looks slightly amused - probably because I'm still holding onto her wrist with my free hand. I let go, and the pleasant smirk on her lips turns into a deadly scowl in a matter of seconds. I'm going to drop dead right here. She's so fucking hot. Moving on.

"Maybe if you stopped daydreaming as much, you'd be less prone to crashing into people."

"I would apologize but that would imply that I cared." I snipe back. "And you also bumped into me, so doesn't that make your comment hypocritical?"

"I wasn't daydreaming, little one, so no." The name ticks me off and makes me twitch in anger. 

"My sincerest apologies, Ms. High and entitled." I hold onto our eye contact. Cling more like as she drags her eyes over me in disgust.

Her gaze hardens, and she drops something onto the ground in front of me with a clink. Her blue eyes remain latched onto mine.

Suddenly, the end of her cane is under my chin with an efficiency I've never seen before - the pressure is quite painful. "Watch your mouth, DeVil, or I will make your time here very, very boring."

I stand there frozen, unable to formulate words. How the hell does she know my name? There's no label on my case, and I don't even have my mother's hair.

She removes the cane, and her arm brushes past mine with force as she makes her way down the corridor. "Assembly in the main hall in an hour. Don't be late, DeVil."

The sound of her cane disappears before I look at the floor. A rusty metal shines at me. It's a key - my key. That was Lady Lesso. It takes a minute to sink in.

The hot redhead is Lady Lesso. She teaches me two lessons a day. Two.

I realise I've been standing in the corridor for a while now. Snapping out of it, I venture to my room.

It's alone on the coridoor. There are no other rooms around it. When I get there - room thirteen - I take a deep breath.

Twisting the key, the door swings open with a ominous click, hinges and floorboards creaking. It's been cleaned recently. No dust. It's bare except for a bed, fireplace, and bedside table. I click my fingers, and the room decorates itself - looking similar to my room at home.

I pull out my pocket watch. I actually have just over an hour to change and shower. But then again, who cares if I'm late? I get to make an entrance, and fashionably so. Guess I'll have to save exploring the castle grounds for later then.

I move across the room and empty the contents of my suitcase on my bed , carefully selecting an outfit and leaning my miniature cane against the wall. Casting a spell on it - it returns to its normal size.

The water is hot down my back - soothing my muscles after the early morning. I can't help but let my mind wander to the redhead, whose name I now know and realise as my teacher. Lady Lesso. I like the way her name rolls off my tongue. I shouldn't, but I do.

I totally fucked that up; she definitely hates my guts now. I grimace, reminiscing on my early encounter. It's too late to change anything so I'll have to live with it. I can just work twice as hard as the others and be at least in her good graces. I can do that.

Even if I don't, at least I know I won't look as awful as some people I witnessed entering the school gates today.

Reluctantly, I turn off the shower - wishing farewell to my sweet relief and wrap my towel tightly to my figure. The air is icy cold on my skin and I can't help but hiss. Well, maybe I should've lit the fireplace. My mistake.

I dry my body and spell my hair. I'm already running late - I don't have time to do it manually so magic it is. I pull on my clothes hastily too, Lesso is definitely going to kill me for my lateness.

I check myself in my newly installed mirror and grin. I look amazing. I mean I always do. I lock my door and make my way to the hall; cane thudding in-between my footfalls. It gives off a purple glow I've grown familiar with over the years.

I'll get my first glance at the Evers and their layers of bright tulle, Nevers and their kitchen rags when I walk into that hall.

Oh dear, these schools are definitely going to need restyling.

𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 | lady lessoWhere stories live. Discover now