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I swing the doors open - purple whisps coming from my cane as I nonchalantly stroll down the centre to the only free seat on the Nevers side. Closest to Lady Lesso.

The eyes of all the students and teachers follow my movement, some of the Evers visibly flinch at the harsh 'thunk' of my cane on the marble floor. I smirk and take a seat - finding pleasure in their pain as I rest my cane on my legs. From the corner of my eye I see Lesso's disapproving glare, I'm somehow still fucking things up. Lovely.

I roll my eyes and focus on the blonde next to her. They start bickering and I barely catch snippets of what they're saying. The blonde wins as she starts talking.

"Welcome first year students!" Her overly bubbly voice calls, gold bouncing off her in blinding rays. I'm bound to get a headache. Or worse - probably tinnitus. "I am Professor Dovey, Dean of the School for Good!"

The little princesses start chanting and that's when I notice the lack of boys on their side. Peculiar. "What the actual-"

"And I, am Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil." I'm cut off by a rather, pleasing and seductive voice. I will literally serve you, ugh. On all the spotted dogs what is wrong with me? The Nevers start their chant and I lean away to avoid their...stench. "As I was saying, what the actual fuck is wrong with these people."

I mean is chanting really necessary? And the phrases: 'Evers'? 'Kill you'? How original. I lean back in my seat a little, scanning the new faces in the room. Whilst going through the teachers I catch Lesso's eye, her gaze narrowing down on me.

I wink and send her a smile but she rolls her eyes and looks away.

Dovey starts talking again but I don't hear much of it - still admiring the redhead in front of me. I have the sudden itch to redesign her suit. With tingling fingers, I draw out my magic and make my sketchbook and pencil materialise out of thin air. Flicking to a new page I start with her anatomical height and shape.

Suddenly, the Evers start screaming. I keep my eyes on Lesso, glancing at the show next to me just to make sure I'm not going to get hit by a rogue sword.

I start drawing an upgraded version of her suit and she senses my stare. She looks at me with those piercing blue eyes - a stern but intrigued look plagues them. I attempt to draw her face but fail. She's still watching.

I make quick work of scribbling out her face and writing a small message next to it before spelling it to her lap. This draws Dovey's attention. She and Lesso look at me with surprise. I sigh discontent and watch whatever is in front of me.

The whole goddamn circus by the looks of it. The Ever boys finish up their 'dance' - if you can even call it that. Just when I thought it was over Tarzan swings on by. For fucks sake. He fights them all dramatically. I've had enough. I start to clap slowly, mockingly, and he looks at me; as does everyone else.

"Love the charity work you boys are doing. Where's the donation box? I'll help fund your fighting classes." The Nevers erupt into a fit of laughter and I swear I see Lesso smirk. I slam my cane and the laughter is cut short, wispy burst of purple magic spreading through the room.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He calls back. Nick Fury reference anyone?

"Don't talk about my mother as if you know her, boy."

"Why? Is she ugly, or worse, dead."

My patience runs dry and I'm facing him before anyone can stop me. I pin him against the wall - forearm to his neck. His eyes grow wide and fearful.

"Be very careful with what you say next. Actually that was a poor choice of words let me rephrase." He struggles for air. "Don't speak at all, or I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to the birds." I remove my arm from his neck, dust myself off and start my walk back to my seat. I'm almost there when he speaks up.

"I was right wasn't I. I bet she's an ugly, old hag." He spits.

I completely freeze where I am. Gripping my cane I feel it's power. My power. Purple mist spirals like ribbons around me. I speak. "Oh and I was nearly back in my seat, you were doing so well."

I spin and send him flying into a wall. With the use of basic family magic I can do a multitude of things: teleport objects over short distances; teleport myself over short distances; move or levitate objects and people as well as have conversations in other people's minds. 

An uproar starts and he stumbles into a fighting stance. I await his attack. Her lunges with his sword. I block with my cane before sweeping his feet from beneath him. He hits the ground with bone crunching force. He groans and rolls over. Surprisingly he gets back up. Righting himself for attack. Our advances continue like this for another forty seconds until his sword starts glowing.

"Finally." I grin. I grab the orb at the top of my cane and detach the pole. Removing it to find a slender, silver sword. I throw the cylinder and point the blade at him. "You didn't think I bought a cane to a swordfight, did you?"

He shrugs and lunges again. I move aside and start circling. He does the same. He attacks again - so much for being an Ever, I thought they only defended. I block his sword as it smashes into mine with staggering force, and I'm so focused on this that I don't see the dagger before it's too late. It slips right through my ribs.

For a moment I feel nothing. Then searing pain. He pulls it out with harsh force and I whimper. Blood red stains what was previously white. This is one of my favourite tops too. Was. It was one of my favourites. I manage to punch him hard enough in the face that his nose cracks and begins to bleed. 

He moves away from me. I magic my metal cylinder back onto my sword making it a cane yet again. My other hand adds pressure to my wound. I stumble a little but then right my footing and put the weight onto my cane.

"I underestimated you." He grins - blood on his teeth from my previous hits. "But I always win."

I brush past him and leave the hall - running (or more accurately, stumbling) as soon as I'm out of sight. Out of her sight. I got too cocky. I lost a swordfight. How didn't I see the damn dagger? My side screams in pain as tears of anger and frustration start to fall. I make it to my room by some miracle, slamming the door I fall to the ground.

Then it's all black.

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