Chapter 9 •Charlotte•

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Five day time skip (One week of camping)

Camping with Gale has been an amazing experience, he's just so funny and worthwhile.
It's 10:00 am right now and we're about to go canoeing, it took a few minutes to convince Gale that we won't tip over. As we board the canoe Gale sits beside me, "How many people are we supposed to have on here?" He asks, "Only two, I think." I respond to him.
Today is really just a 'do what you want to do' kind of day, no schedule, just you and your friends.
Once we are on the water, we spot Willow and her two friends on a canoe not too far from us, "Hey, Willow! What's up?" Shouts Gale, "Not much, why didn't you bring another friend with you?" She asks, "We just didn't." I tell my sister, she and her then friends proceed to row away.
Gale looks at me with an almost mournful face, "Y'know, you're really pretty right now. The morning air and sunlight just makes you look even more magical. But when aren't you pretty? Well, you're more of gorgeous than pretty." He says, smiling faintly with admiration at me.
"I... I don't know what to say. Thank you, Gale. I think your great too." I say to him, still in slight shock from what he just said to me.

I think he's more than great, he's amazing. Gale makes me happier than I've ever been, he's so cute and funny. I think I like Gale, what wouldn't I like about him? I believe I might even love him, yes, I do.
I hope he likes me back, but I don't think he would. What if he thinks we could only just be friends? He's so pretty, can I say that about- "Char, you okay? You zoned out." He says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that. Wait, did you just call me 'Char'?" I ask him, "I guess I did. I think it suits you though. Char, Char, Char."
"That's means I have to give you a nickname. Let's see..." I begin, thinking hard but nothing comes to mind, "We'll, I don't know. I can't call you 'Gae' because we both know what that sounds like. What about... Ale? I am definitely calling you that."
He rows an oar with a sigh and rolls his eyes, "Fine, you can call me Ale, but I'm calling you Char!" He says, giving me a light shoulder punch.

Should I tell Gale that I like him? If I should, do I tell him now? The day summer camp ends? I'm completely clueless. About fifteen minutes later we finish canoeing and pull up to shore, as we're doing so Gale trips on an oar and fall straight into the water, "Aah! You said I wouldn't fall in! It's so cold." He shouts, shaking his head and rubbing water out of his eyes.
"Heh, sorry Ale." I say with an apologetic face.
When you realize that you like someone you typically won't look them in the eyes anymore, or joke with them like you used to. That's how I am with Gale now.

Time skip, 12:09 am

I can't sleep, all I can think about is him. I shake my head trying to rid of the thoughts, all I want is to sleep right now. As I'm tossing and turning I hear a voice from below me whisper, "Hey, are you okay? I can hear you moving a whole bunch, or can you just not sleep?"
I realize that it's Gale, and I reply to him "You're right. I can't sleep right now and it's the worst. Remember the first night that we were here and we just hung out outside for a bit? Can we do that?"

It takes a few seconds for him to start talking, but when he does he says, "I was wondering when you going to ask me that. Come on, we're going outside." I fumble down my ladder and tug on my blue pyjama shirt. We find our bench and sit in silence, until Gale breaks it, "You know, when I first met you I had major communication problems and social anxiety. I mean I still do, but you made it better. I am an introvert but you bring out the social side of me. Charlotte, I love you."

My eyes widen and I sit in shock, confused if I heard him correctly. "I... I don't know what to say. I think I like you too?" I admit to him.
He looks at me admiringly and slowly lifts his hand to my face. He holds it there for a moment, then I hold his free hand in mine. I move my face to his and our lips connect. I feel a grin grow on his face, which makes me pull him into a hug.
I kiss him again, but this time it's passionate and warm. Once we separate I take a deep breath and look into his eyes, "Wow, we just did that. So, does this make us something? A couple?" I ask him, "I don't know, maybe. Do you want this to be something? If you do we can." He tells me, putting his left hand on my back.

I smile and say, "You know what? I would like that very much. What about you? I want to make sure that your okay with this too." He doesn't hesitate to admit proudly to me, "I would love to. If I'm going to be honest with you, I think I've liked you since we first met. Is that weird?"
"Hmm, not at all. I just realized my feelings for you today." I tell Gale with a yawn. "Your great company, just talking to you makes me sleepy, not that your boring. You are just very comforting. Should we head back inside now?" He requests to me in which I respond with by just kissing him on the cheek and nodding.
Once I'm back in bed I fall asleep immediately, Gale still on my mind.

Heyy! I know that people are actually reading this now and I really appreciate those who are doing that. What should I do after this? I have two options for you but you could recommend something else too.

Option 1: Gale and Charlotte get into a small fight (they will make up dw)

Option 2: The counsellors find out and try to separate them 🤭

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