Love Me Ghostly

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Love Me Ghostly

When you can see, talk to and feel ghosts, life doesn’t always come easy. Especially when all they do is play pranks on you and stay in your house for ages.  It’s bad enough when you have to cross them over, these sneaky dead people don’t exactly like to leave. When you do manage to cross them over, the job still isn’t fully over. You have to record the person in this book; it’s old and has metal coverings. The book itself has every single person who has died, and then the ones who have crossed over. 

What you don’t understand is that there is only one person able to do this, and that lucky person is me.


“Corinne, Come on!” A whiny voice appeared from my right.

Looking over a shadowy figure dressed in all black pouted at me, I rolled my eyes and turned back to my laptop to at least attempt to finish the English essay I was working on. Placing my fingers on the keyboard once more and getting a good four words down, when a pillow slammed into my face.

I glared at the gothic ghost that was now lying on my bed tossing a pillow in the air over and over again. 

“Come on Cori! Can we please go out?” The annoying gothic girl whined again.

“For the last time Lynn, I can’t. I have to finish this essay, it is due tomorrow and I can’t afford to fail.” I explained to her for the seventh time in the past half hour.

“But Cori! I am so bored and there is going to be this wicked party tonight.” Lynn begged.

“No, for the millionth time no! Lynn what would you even do there? No one else can see you, once again you’re invisible! And Dead!” I shook my head and continued to write the essay.

Why is the government so boring? I bit my lip and tried to think of how to end the essay. A blur of white and red came into view; right at my head. I reached out my hand to catch it and I turned to Lynn with nothing but fury written on my face.

“Would you stop it? No more throwing pillows at my head, okay?” Lynn just rolled her eyes at me and in the next second she appeared sitting on my desk right next to my laptop.

“Really? An essay about government spending? God what has the world come to? You know in 1989 all anyone was worried about was getting high and spending money. All you do is sit around and writing essays.” Lynn mumbled disgusted.

“Well sorry I don’t get high all the time and anyways isn’t that how you died? An overdose on some type of drug?” I raised my eyebrows at her, smirking just the tiniest bit.

Lynn just puffed her cheeks out and started typing on my laptop, my eyes widened and I snatched it away from her. Worried that she may have messed up my essay I skimmed it over only to see that Lynn only added two sentenced to the end of it. I was surprised to say the least; it was pretty good given that she has been dead for twenty years.

“There, your essay is finished. Now can we please go do something? Your house is so boring!” Lynn cried out in desperation.

I let out a sigh and shrugged my shoulders; there was no way I was going to get her to stop other than going to the party.

“Where is it?” I finally asked her, and for a Goth she sure acts like a preppy girl with pom-poms. Lynn jumped and squealed, pushing me out of my room and into the bathroom. 

“What are you doing?” I asked her.

“Getting you ready for the party, obviously.” Lynn gave me a face that clearly showed that she thought I was stupid.

I scrunched up my nose in return, Lynn just gave me a cheeky grin and got out the make-up bag from the closet and the curler from under the sink all with a flick of her hand. Stupid ghost abilities. 

“One day Lynn, you will cross over and let me get ready by myself.”  

Lynn laughed at me and poked me with the mascara wand she just pulled out of the make-up bag. 

"Lighten up! We're going to a party, live a little. Let me fix you up!" Lynn said coyly. 

Sticking out my tounge I just let her do what she wanted, hoping that she wouldn't make me look completely horrible or like an raccoon. Closing my eyes I felt myself drift off to a better place, I was with all of the people I helped cross over. They were all happy and smiling, reunited with lost family members, and finally at peace. It was the most amazing thing I have ever been a part of. 

I felt at home there, but I also knew that I couldn't go there yet. I had to many more people to help on the surface. 

It was my job to help them, because I am the ghost walker. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2011 ⏰

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