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"Oh my god, I hate running," Betty breathed out, exhausted. She doubled over as she dry-heaved, trying to even her breaths.

Once she calmed her racing heart, she opened the fieldhouse doors and strolled inside, not before sneaking a cheeky smile and Parker and Daniel, who were also watching the new applicants try out.  

As she approached the bleachers, she noticed a familiar face sitting. She furrowed her brows, trying to remember why she knew the mystery girl's face. 

Getting closer to Louis and Jason, she saw Daniel walk up to them and ask about Tyler. She stifled a giggle as she continued up the bleachers.

"Hey," she extended her hand to the girl.

The girl gave Betty a look. "Hi," she responded. 

Betty tried not to be put off by the girl's brash response. "What's your name?" she tried again. 

"Hayley," she replied.  

As the name left her mouth, Betty remembered where she had seen this girl before.

"Hayley Woods, right?" She guessed. "And your brother, he's Alex," Betty connected the dots.

"I'm sorry, how do you know my name?" Hayley asked. "And how do you know who my brother is? And who even are you?"

"Shit, right. I'm Elizabeth Ellis. Betty for short," she replied.

"Elizabeth Ellis, as in the Ellis', my across-the-street neighbors?" Hayley questioned, a look of disbelief crossing her features. 

Betty laughed. "Yes! I knew I recognized your brother in the exam room,"

"Hey, new kid! How 'bout some one-on-one?" Daniel yelled. Betty's head popped up, excited to watch Alex. 

"Woo! Go, Alex! You got this," Hayley cheered. Betty smiled at the interaction. 

"Jesus, Ellis. Who knew you could run," Leo ran in, out of breath. 

Betty gave him a smug smile. "You owe me a strawberry milkshake," she boasted.

Betty watched as Daniel ran out onto the court, and took the ball from Alex. Alex was on defense, then stole the ball from Daniel and made a basket. 

She watched Daniel's face fall as he made the point. In the next play, Daniel ran into Alex's shoulder and gave him a shove, knocking him to the ground. Betty shook her head. 

"Foul! Heyward, knock it off," Coach Davies scolded as he helped Alex up from the floor.

"You know, I'd keep your brother away from Daniel if I were you," Leo advised. Betty rolled her eyes.

"I think my brother can take care of himself, thank you very much," Hayley shot back. Betty smiled as Leo shrugged. 

Betty frowned as she saw Daniel's lips begin to move, she knew he would say something stupid to try and rattle Alex. She just hoped he wouldn't say anything about his mom. 

"What's the problem? Don't wanna disappoint mommy? Ever since the explosion she's been all over the place-" Alex interrupted by yelling and lunging at Daniel, swinging as they fell to the ground. 

"Oh my god!" Betty yelled out as she ran down to the court.

"Hey! Alex, stop it!" Hayley yelled, following Betty as Coach Davies tried to break up the fight. As Davies managed to pry Alex off Daniel, he lunged once more.

"Thank you, Mr. Woods! You may leave now," Jason called out sternly. 


"You heard me," Jason reiterated. Alex scoffed and ran back to the lockers

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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