007 vacationss wit bae pt3

259 3 1

::: "wrd2 my muva u pussy" dd said  while wiping him mouth "DD STFU I COULD HAVE KILLED HIM WHATS WRONG WITH U" I said while getting in his face "yo y/n get out my face before I hit u bro" dd said "do it then bitch do it" I said while pushing him back notti came up "yo y/n GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE" dd said "WRDA HUNCHO U A PUSSY" I said while pushing him into my car dd pushed me and I fell over his bag "BRO WTF" notti yelled  "YO NAHH WTF " ddot said while running over to help me up "Ian mean too I'm sorry Ian mean too" dd said while coming over to me "ahh shittttttt GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME BITCH" I said while going inside :::: ddot helped me go inside I sat down on the couch and rubbed my belly while breathing heavily "d-darrian go get notti" I said while holding my stomach he ran out I got up to walk to the door and my water broke "ohh shittt this can't be happening" I said while looking down notti dd and ddot came in "ohhh shit y/n did ur water break" ddot said "no dumb bitch I peed on myself" I said looking at him rolling my eyes notti carried me to the car *skip to when we got to the hospital* "hello how can I help u today " the doctor said "her water broke and I think she's in labor" ddot said "okay how many months is she" the doctor said "ahh shit I'm 8 months" I said "okay let's get u into labor and delivery" she said while getting a wheelchair "okay yeah ur in labor ur 7 cm u need to hit ten so we're gonna have u bounce on this ball" she said "okay thank u" I said while bouncing on the ball another doctor came in "okay miss I'm just here to get information about u what's ur name" he said "y/n Jimenez" I said "okay and how old are u " he said "I'm 15" I said "and ur from sugarhill Harlem " he asked " yes sir" I said "okay that's it for now Dr.lynn should be here Any minute to see how many cm u are now" he said as he walked out and ddot and notti walked in  "where's David" I said "in the waiting room" notti said "go get him" I said notti walked out to go get dd "u think we was too hard on him" ddot said "yeah that's why I told notti to go get him" I said while going to the bed dd and notti walked in "come here David" I said he came up to me and I hugged him "I'm sorry susta" dd said "I'm sorry too" ddot said to dd "I'm sorry brudda I shouldn't have let that nigga dotty come in between us " dd said while hugging ddot 18 minutes later I was ten cm dilated "okay ma'am ur gonna push for ten seconds" *skipping this part* "we'll leave y'all alone and come back later for the birthcertificate " *SKIP TO WHEN WE GOT BACK TOO NYYYY!!* "Is that the Uber right there" dd said "yeah that's his ugly ass" I said we all got In when we got to me and ddot apartment "darrian call ur mom and tell her go to my place " I said "aii myheart" ddot said  "okay she's up there with ur mom" ddot said we walked upstairs "notti hold the car seat imma walk in holding him" I said we walked in "Mami" I said "my baby's back" she said as her and fab ran in the living room "say hi to abuela and tia" I said they looked shocked "oh my Dios(god) let me hold him " my mom said "no Mami let me hold him" fab said I laughed and gave him to my mom "aww hi Nieto (grandson)"  my mom said "Ah let me hold him now" fab said she gave Ethan to fab "hi little baby" fab said "okay Mami and tia we gotta go tell Ethan and David mom she still don't know " I said while taking Ethan and putting him in his car seat and putting a thick blanket on him I put his car seat on the stroller and left "damn I missed ny weather" dd said while looking around "OHHH SHIT IS THAT Y/N OSAMAAA WITH A STROLLERRR" edot yelled "OHH SHIT IS THAT EDOT BABY WITH NO GRABBA" I said dd ddot and notti laughed "nah baby osama that's foul" edot said while laughing dee and dudeylo came up "ohh shitt let me see the little baby" Dee said I lifted his car seat cover "aww he look just like notti" edot said "u gonnna get all the bitches myheart" dudey said while putting his finger on his hand I popped his hand " dont touch  baby with yo dirty ass hands" I said while putting his car seat cover down "where y'all bad asses goin" Dee said "too my cribb" notti said "oh aii be safe out here cops on us hot rn" Dee said "wait wtf y'all do why they on us" I said  "dudey though it was a good idea to slide on the opps mid day" Dee said "oh my god here we go" dudey said while rolling his eyes "I swear y'all niggas is so stupid" I said while walking away "yo we see y'all around be safe don't get caught" notti said dd called his mom "mami u melz and jstar and zuli go to the living room we got a surprise" dd said "okay papi" she said dd hung up dd walked in "okay so hold on where amiri and zaylee" dd said "AMIRIIIIII AND ZAYLEEEEEE" melz yelled out they came running in "si tia" zaylee said "okay now that ur all here y/n and notti got a surprise for y'all" dd said as ddot walked in "y'all gotta be quiet for this one" ddot said Me and notti walked in "mama tia got doll like Zay" amiri said while coming up to the stroller "no papi this baby that was in my belly" I said while showing him zaylee ran up and looked on the car seat "let me see him" notti and dd mom said I took him out the car seat and gave him to her "ohh look at him his so handsome I'm keeping him for the night" she said "u sure Mami" I said "si mija" she said a hour later me and notti went back to my house and I got on insta

lynn should be here Any minute to see how many cm u are now" he said as he walked out and ddot and notti walked in  "where's David" I said "in the waiting room" notti said "go get him" I said notti walked out to go get dd "u think we was too hard ...

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*y/nosama :: everybody say hii to Ethan Reyes Jr 💙🫧 welcome to newyork baby 💋🗽*

Liked by nottiosama , ddosama , sugarhillddot , .melzz , zulithatsyou , jstarballa.

*Nottiosama :: wassup twin🧑‍🍼*

*Sugarhillddot :: welcome to sugarhill Jr 🗽*

*ddosama :: we Protecting u by all means uncle baby 🤞*

*.melzz :: my nephew really so handsomeee 😘*

*Zulithatsyou :: him so handsomee😍*

*Jstarballa :: wussup Jr 👋💙*

*Mommaosama :: hey grandma bebe 😘*

After I got off insta I laid my head on notti chest and went to sleep when I woke up notti was gone I got up and got in the shower once I got out notti was back with Jr "ohh my baby back" I said while taking him out the car seat "what we doin today" notti said "I don't know probably go to Jersey" I said "jersey for what" notti asked "just to go we can't go to Jersey now" I said while looking at him "we can but I mean why u wanna go to Jersey" he said "to stay in a hotel why not" I said "bae we just got back from bora bora why u wanna waste money" he said I stared at him "since u don't wanna leave Harlem never mind Ethan" I said I went into my room and slammed the door I put Jr in my bed and laid next to him "ur father always being boring" I said while playing with his hand I heard ddot outside  "YOOO I KNOW U UP" ddot said I looked out my window he was sticking his head out his window while looking up "bro wtf is u doin" I said while laughing "chilling ... Outside... my window" ddot said "now what if u fell" I said "nah I'm good come smoke" ddot said " I can't I have Jr" I said "oh shit myheart here I'm coming up" he said I looked over at Jr and closed the window notti walked in "u still wanna go to Jersey" he said "no not no more" I said while hugging him ddot walked in and picked Jr up "wassup lil man" ddot said "awwwhh look at my boys" I said while taking pictures of them .


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This is being published at 1:41 in the morning 💀 so goodnight myhearts don't let the bitches/niggas bite 🤭

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