Chapter 2

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TW: kidnapping

Quackity's POV:

I wake up to find myself in the clinics bed with Charlie (slimecicle) beside me "Quackity you're awake.!" And began to hug me and I grunted in pain due to the carved letters on my chest.

Charlie hurriedly pulled away from the hug apologizing many times and i forgave him, after we had a good talk the school nurse came in "Hello dear, can I take some examinations on your wound?" The nurse asked politely.

I nodded, she began to lift up my shirt revealing my chest and saw the carved words on it.


She then took some medicine and patted it on the wounds and carefully bandaged it. After she was done she started to talk "Dear do you know who did this to you?" I begin to shake in fear.

Remembering what Wilbur said if I told them it was him who did this. I shook my head and the nurse allowed me and Charlie to go back at lunch break.

When the bell rang we thank the school nurse and left the clinic, as we were walking and to the cafeteria I spotted someone at the corner of my eye, it was Wilbur.

I tried to not look at him but he saw me and went up to us "Charlie, can you please leave us alone for a while?" He asked nicely, I never hear his tone of voice so soft...

It made my face turn light pink but it was not obvious.

Charlie then nodded and left us alone,  Wilbur then pulled me into a  bathroom that no one uses cause it's no where in sight when you walk down the hallway.

He then held me on my neck making it hard for me to breath.

He started to speak "So, did you tell them?.." He said in a deep tone, I shook my head shakingly still trying to catch my breath

"Good, cause if you we're to tell them I did this to you, you know what will happen.." those words gave me chills on the spine, he then let go of my neck leaving a light red handprint on my neck and I was able to catch my breath.

"Now let's keep this conversation a secret shall we?" He said in a lovely tone, I nodded in fear and ran out of the bathroom as fast as I can.

I arrived at my locker opened it and started to look at mark Wilbur left on my neck in my small mirror. I was still blushing about his soft tone of voice but also in fear at the same time. The mark was still on my neck and visible 'ah shit what am I gonna do...'

I started to look around my locker trying to find something something to cover up the hand print and saw a scarf.

I then wrapped it around my neck as fast as I can as soon as Charlie went to me "Hey Quackity! What did you and Wilbur talks about?" "Oh nothing that important" I said nervously.

He knew something was wrong cause I never wear a scarf, except when it's snowy.

"Quackity why are you wearing a scarf?" He asked, I couldn't answer because he would know I'm lying.

He then started to pull the scarf away slowly revealing the light hand print of Wilbur's hand on my neck.

"W-what happend..?!" His expression went from confused to worried in just seconds.

"I-its nothing, don't worry.!" I tried to make him calm down cause he might start to have a panic attack.

But I was too late,  Charlie was already having a panic attack, he's really a caring friend and when he See's something wrong he sometimes get a panic attack.

"Charlie calm down it's alright, I'm fine.!" I started to hug Charlie trying to comfort him, it was already 12:30 and lunch was going to end at 1:00.

But I didn't care if I eat or not, I just want my best friend to be happy.

I started to sing his favorite song and he started to calm down. If he's happy then I'm happy.

-time skip-

School was already done, I was walking back to my house and I remembered that I didn't have dinner later.

I went to a small city outside of my neighborhood, the city wasn't that far so I just walked there.

As I went to my usual place to eat I felt a strong grip on my arm and pulled me into a van, I then feel dizzy and the last thing I saw was 3 people in black masks before I passed out.





(Words: 786)

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