1 There Once Was A Moon

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When I was a little girl, my dad would come into my room before I fell asleep and tell me a story about the sky. He often said that the most tragic love story in life was that of the sun and the moon, destined to never be together. And once, I believed him.

It's hotter than usual for February, which leads me to believe that it will be an unforgiving scorcher this year. After such a dry winter, the town of Lincoln needs a good rain storm like a dry desert. There is no other remedy for the madness brewing underneath the towns facade of southern charm.

"What are you doing, Noelle?" I glanced back at Ali, her eyes following my every move as I walked across the peer. "I'm attempting to have a good time, my Ali cat, is that okay?" She rolled her eyes as I sipped on the beer in my hand. It's almost dark out and we haven't done a single thing all day. She knows, and I know, we will continue to do nothing even after the sun has gone down.

She threw another dart at the dart board, missing the bulls-eye by two inches. If she got any better at this game she would rival my own skill, which is lacking. "Hey, Noelle, you wanna walk down to the peer with me?" I glanced over at one of my old friends, his name is David and he's brutally handsome. His hair was slightly curly, and a deep brown that reminded me of hot chocolate. But those eyes, the mesmerizing green orbs that always seem to have a hint of admiration in them when he looks at me, they could take me wherever they wanted. "Sure," I answered, winking at Ali as I walked past her.

The night air felt much better than the previous hours did, but there was no sun to rival the cool. "What did you wanna come out here for, David?" He glanced at the ground for a second before he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. It was a brief kiss. So brief that I didn't really have time to react before he pulled back. I stood still, my fingers on my lips, why did he stop? He looked slightly over my shoulder, his gaze seemed distant. "He's coming home, Noelle." Who is coming back? "What are you talking about?" I asked, before realizing. "Baker." I mumbled, taking a step back from him. "I'm sorry I kissed you out of the blue like that, I just had to do it before..." I stared blankly at him. "Before you gave me the worst news I could have recieved right now." I finished. "I think we both know him coming back isn't nearly as bad as the news that he left." David cocked a half smirk and the only emotion I can muster up is rage. "I don't think you realize how much I've changed since your best friend ruined my life, David." I pushed past him. Part of me was hoping he'd chase after me and tell me he was joking. That he was making a joke. A cruel joke.

Ali sat on the opposite end of the bed, leaning against the bed frame as I put another gummy bear in my mouth. "How dare he act like I would just fall at Baker's feet the second he got home. Who does he think he is?" I huffed. When Baker left four years ago, I was a scared eightteen year old who had just had her heart crushed by the only boy in the world beautiful enough to take it in the first place. And now, he's coming back. He's coming back four years older and probably even more handsome than when he left, but I'm not the same girl I was. I'm older, I'm wiser, and I'm far less likely to fall back in love with the man whom I blame for all of my pain and all of my baggage. Because of Baker, I have never, ever, thought about falling for another man. The only person who could possibly talk me into it was his best friend David, and after the brief kiss he gave me tonight... I doubt even he could convince me again.

My arm hung out the door of my best friend's jeep. In a town like Lincoln, there was no difference between yesterday and today's plans. Ever since we graduated high school and failed at college, we both decided to just hang around town. She got me a job with her at the local coffee shop. After we both got in trouble for goofing off too much, we called it having fun. I voluntarily lost my job so that she could stay working there. She needed the money more. It was her job first after all.

After I failed at college, which was completely paid for in scholarships, my ripe age of twenty-one gained me access to the money my parents left me. When they both died, my life was over. I didn't think anything could ever compare to the pain of losing the one thing I had in life, my family. I leaned heavily on my favorite person- at the time. Baker Thompson.

Ali, Baker, and I made a threesome of fun, danger seeking teenage dirtbags. We did the usual and messed around with cigarettes for a while, Baker never quit. We drank down by the train tracks, then realized how boring train tracks are and moved to Baker's house. He was imancipated from his shitty family a long time ago and two years older than we were, he was eighteen.

We never pulled anything too crazy, not until the summer before senior year, when Baker got tied into a group he had no business being in. It was a close knit group of guys, they called themselves Hollowmen, and they all rode motorcycles through town. I never understood why a Chevy man went out and got himself involved with a motorcycle gang and bought a Harley.

There were small things over the years that added up, him protecting me from life. His need to be with me even when I was with Ali for days at a time. He wanted to love me the right way, he just didn't know how. And when I graduated high school and turned eighteen, I couldn't fight it anymore. We had sex. Now, this isn't your normal love story, no. I pushed him far, far away. His heart was breaking right in front of my eyes. Then, the Hollowmen were ambushed by a group of biker hating gangs. There was crossfire.

I didn't know it yet, but I was pregnant. I sat in the hospital for hours waiting on an update with Baker. His buddies were all grazed or missed, but he took a slug to the left side. The doctors were working hard, tirelessly, and it still felt like they were doing nothing.

When they came out to update us, I took off. I felt sick, I felt cold, and I couldn't see straight. I downed a bottle of whiskey before I left the house again, my best friend was in the hospital with a bullet wound and I couldn't focus on anything other than myself.

If only I could go back.

I would do anything to take back the rest of that day.

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