13. Unbelievably Familiar

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Justin traced my spine with his finger tips, planting kisses along my ribs. "I had a job interview yesterday." I looked back at him. "Is that why I didn't see you all day?" He nodded, a solemn look on his face. "Did it not go as well as you hoped for?" He shook his head. "I'm confused." He rolled me over, planting a kiss on my lips before he pulled himself on top of me.
"It's in Silver Creek," he whispered. "Oh. How are you going to live here and work three hours away? That doesn't make any sense."
"I'm not. I have to move back to Silver Creek to take the job. It's a really good job, Noelle. Good pay, benefits, a company car. It doesn't get any better than this for a guy like me." I slowly began to understand.
"So you're leaving me?" I couldn't help the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"Don't think of it as me leaving you! We can do long distance during the week and I'll come home on the weekend and stay with you." I nodded, but I knew that wouldn't work. It never works. His eyes were dewy and I couldn't look at them any longer. So I kissed his lips and got out of bed. We need to talk about this but I can't find the words.

"So when is he leaving?" Ali asked, popping some more popcorn in his mouth. "Monday. Well, Sunday night." She nodded. It wasn't as warm as the day before but I still wore a bikini top and a pair of Jean shorts around the house today. It makes it feel more like summer.
"Dude, that sucks." I nodded. She gets me.
"Wanna go play pool tonight?" I snatched the popcorn bowl from her, standing up slowly. "That's a brilliant idea." We both giggled as we ran across the house to get ready and gather the troops.

There was some old rap song playing in the radio when Justin picked me up. He gave me a kiss but didn't say anything. The side of me that came out the last time I was here was still on his mind, I could tell. I'm not that girl anymore and I should've never brought her to the surface.
Ali and David met us there, Baker too. I didn't expect to see him get out of the same vehicle as Ali and David, but I guess we all have to get used to him again anyways.
I ordered a water when we walked in, trying to avoid the same mistakes I made last time I was here. "Baby, go order me a beer." I laughed as Justin went back to playing his game of pool. I know it makes him happy to act this way in public. I know he's happy to finally have me to himself. It hurts my heart that he's leaving in two days and I'm not going to be able to see him throughout the week. I'm just going to have to get used to life without him again.
"I'm happy that he can make you happy."
I turned to find Baker. His gaze focused on the ground as he sat next to me at the bar. "Are you?" I asked, my voice barely audible. He nodded his head and took a sip of his beer. "I like you happy." I opened my mouth to say something. Anything. But I couldn't force a single word out. So I grabbed the beer I ordered Justin and turned to walk off.
"Wait," his fingers gently held my wrist. My eyes locked onto the action, his fingers burning into my palm, then my fingertips as he let his hand slide down my fingers. He held them for a moment, "you are happy, right?" His eyes on mine left me dazed, I nodded my head before stepping backward and turning around to find Justin. He was standing by the pool table, waiting on his turn to play again.
If he saw Baker holding my hand, he isn't showing it.

Baker disappeared after he spoke to me at the bar. He didn't tell anyone goodbye, he just left. Justin finished his game then took me home. It was a quiet ride but not awkward. The only time he spoke was when he asked if he can come in with me.
"You know you can," I answered. He smiled as we walked in, Ali and David not far behind. "Are you gonna stay with me tonight?" I asked, wrapping my arms around his waist.
The heat of his touch against my cheek made me blush. He pressed his lips to mine gently, it was a short kiss but still made my heartbeat race. "I'll stay. But I'll have to leave early tomorrow to finish packing some stuff and get ready for work Monday." I nodded, laying my forehead against his chest.
We laid in the bed all night, feeling, kissing. We knew what it meant for him to take this job in another town and we couldn't stop. He held me all night. And I wanted him to.
I wanted him to.
When I woke up the next morning he was gone. He sent a message about him coming back over later and I sent a quick reply before rolling back over.
When I opened my eyes again I was surprised to feel a body laying in the bed next to me. I wrapped my arms around him, inhaling his scent.
There's something different about the scent, it isn't the scent I'm used to. It isn't the scent of Justin.

"What the fuck. Baker. Wake the fuck up!" I shoved him off my bed.
Why in the fuck is he in my bed? When did he get in my bed? Who let him in?

He groaned loudly as he sat up. I realized now that he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the shirt ripped down to his ribs though. "What happened?" He looked at me now, showing a busted lip and bruising around his jaw. "Baker..." I let my thumb trace over his jaw bruise, my skin barely touching his.
"Got jumped."

"Why were you in my bed?"

He shrugged his shoulders, laying back down with his head on my pillow. "David wasn't home so I came looking for him and I just... I don't know. I just wanted to lay next to you for a while."
His eyes were sad.
And all at once I realized mine were too.

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