The Broadway Brat

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Octavia p.o.v 

I'm currently in senior ballet class on a balancing board with Madam Tiffaney "Up and down." smacking her hand with a ruler "Again!" I feel the sweat dripping down my back hearing a knock on the door but I have to stay focused. "Excuse me but we need Octavia for the pyramid." Sarah tells her "Alright help her down, she's 14 and was the only one who could hold it better!" 2 boys helped me down trying not to let my legs shake walking into the den with Sarah.

 I take off my pointe shoes and my feet are bruised "Are you ok is that meant to happen?" "Yeah Sarah it's fine and it's all in a day's work but I've had worse so." shrugging while drinking from my bottle. Walking into studio A I see the moms look at my feet same with the others with a wince standing next to brady "Are you ok?" "Yeah" we whisper

"We won! Congratulations" we all clap". We're 2 for 2. I'm proud of you but not all of your mothers and a lot of things need to change. Alright now onto the pyramid."

Octavia brady

lily savannah Presley

Sarah GiaNina Hannah

" Sarah, GiaNina, Hannah reasoning on the bottom you guys just blended in nothing really special. Presley you were good, not great getting there plus your mom didn't give me any trouble. Now Lillianna and Savannah join second. That's something we know how I feel about second place. 

"Now on top is Octavia Brady 2 perfect scores in 1 day. I'm so proud this is the first ever duet that the Abby Lee dance company has ever produced. Your chemistry was amazing. I know finding the perfect balance between 2 dancers is hard to come by. And Octavia your solo was something else you had the whole place quiet felt every emotion I'm not going to lie I cried " Abby says while doing her happy wiggle I laugh looking over to the moms I see that mom and Tricia are ecstatic clapping like mad women while the others give us a mediocre clap which is depressing.

"I'm over Abby and her favourites. I know my daughter is a better dancer than her gia has been in a movie and in nickelodeon. I know gia would dance circles around her" Joanne

"Octavia is something special. She captures your attention, she silences the crowd and she has everything but this week I'm going to challenge her again." Abby says

"We are traveling to Zanesville Ohio to attend the drop the beat competition. I have 2 solos and 2 duets. So the solos go to Hannah and GiaNina and the duets go to Brady and Octavia and once again I'm gonna challenge you again Octavia so please welcome Grayson your ballroom partner. " Grayson appears with a shit-eating grin on his face. He's shaking my head in my hands ''please introduce yourself." "I've been Grayson and Octavia's ballroom dance partner since we were little." I see Brady's jaw clench. " Okay first duet 'fire on fire' lyrical and duet 2 is Paso Doble 'Blaze' Now onto the group Octavia you won't be in the dance, go sit down on the mat and stretch." I begin to zone out with my feet in ice I come back when I hear a massive clap

"When doing ballet your feet bruise and bleed I can't have an injured Octavia. I'm not having i like to say risk it for the biscuit and this time I'm not" Abby

Aphrodite p.o.v

"We are back again." I say sitting in-between Tricia and Stacey "you excited Ann for Hannah?" Michelle asks "Of course I am, she's going to prove to Abby that she deserves a spot on this team." Ann says "I'm so happy for her I saw the sparkle in her eyes when she heard she got the solo." Tricia said

 "What about you Joanne?" Erin asks "Gia isn't going to win with sassy jazz she doesn't do sassy jazz." my eyes widen looking at the rest of the moms like what the fuck Joanne "Why does Octavia have her feet in ice?" Ashely asks " when doing ballet your feet do bruise and bleed on pointe her feet have been a lot worse I'm thankful that she is out of the group dance. And before you ask "ballroom is in a different category than duets" I say 

"Still more than my kid." Erin says with Abby yelling at the kids stop we see all the kids leave going into the den "She told us to go home." Hannah says "But she hasn't even started the solos or duets?" Joanne asks they all shake their heads

Octavia p.o.v

Watching the group practice the dance I've noticed that they're dancing with no emotion. It's like watching a silent movie and second guessing themselves "Stop! Octavia can you tell me what's wrong with the group dance?" Abby asks "There's little to no emotion the judges will pick up on that, stop second guessing yourselves that's where the problem begins and ends, lily I know your the lead you've got to make it a lot bigger." i say bluntly

 "Thank you this what the 3rd time you're dancing as a group there is nothing that makes you guys a team when Octavia was on the elite team the minute she started dancing with them they danced together as one she made it better! lily you're the lead I would hate to give it to someone else remember at any time any of you can go home no one safe well accept Octavia but that's it. This dance should have been done hrs ago you know what go home" Abby says

"I don't want to have to pull the dance unless they get their heads out of the butts and work as one." Abby says with frustration

"It's unfair that Octavia is Abby's favourite along with Brady because I feel like none of us will get the attention that we need when we dance." Presley says "I know it's all about Octavia and Brady like come on you've got other kids to focus on like seriously Abby!" Ashley says 

"why is Octavia even safe from going home she should have to work hard just like the rest of us." Hannah "Wait a minute Abby said that's firstly rude and secondly that's unfair "Ann says as Hannah nodded her head 

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