He was born thi Elon musk he was as weak as a stick his mom held him for the first time "OH MY BABY MY BABY IS BORN ITS A MIRACLE" she said. The doctors starting shaking their head "he has thi red mark" " what his that his" mother would say. " THE DEVILS MARK OF EVIL HE IS THI DEVILS CHILD" the doctor yelled
"Oh no, oh no, not my baby he is all thi evil" *she cries causing the baby to cry* "NOT MY BABY"
"We need to kill him"the doctors say "NO YOU WILL NOT" she says *she runs out the hospital driving home with her baby in her hand.
"Why you, why you" she cries her voice starts to crack as she drives home*
"Hey hunny they said you would be back in a hour" the father says ". "IVAN HES A MONSTER NOW, LOOK". "OH NO" Ivan says "you know what to do Ive" he says. "NO I WILL NOT KILL HIM" she says crying. She begins to run away from this wretched town in the middle of no where and makes it to and city called OOMPALFLIA.