* Chapter 2 *

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Keeper POV
Time: 2:45 pm
Location: Coffee shop

We just arrived at the coffee shop and step inside, there wasn't many people in here. That will make it easier to get back to work.
"Do you know what your getting?" I asked Ova, hoping I don't have to pick for her again. "There's so many options, do you wanna pick for me?" She said to me with sparkling eyes. "No-" I tried to say before she cut me off "Great! I will go find us a table" she says as she skips away to find a table, I wonder what's the worst drink I'm allowed to order.. or I could just summon it and pretend it came from the coffee shop and bonus, I won't have to spend any money. I mean I could just summon money too, but what's the fun in that. Time to think of a evil drink to give her.

Time: 2:54
Location: Coffee shop

I went off to find us a table, I wonder what keep will get me. I hope it's something with sprinkles and whip cream. I found a good table in the sorta center of the coffee shop, I hope keep will like it. I look back at what keep is doing and he's walking over here with two drinks, IM SO EXCITED! I can't WAIT to see what he got me. "KEEP! Whatcha have there?" I say to him with excitement in my voice "liquid death" he says very serious, very adorable. "You ALWAYS say that" we both sat down at the table and he slides me my drink and he starts drinking his. I can't wait to try it! I pick it up and take a sip..
it tasted awful, but it would be rude to not drink it. I look at him and he has a smug smile on his face, he did this on purpose didn't he! What should I have expected from keep.

Keeper POV
Time: 3:00
Location: Coffee Shop

She took a sip and she look liked she was about to throw up, perfect. She looks over at me with a mad but adorable face.
"Don't like your drink?" I ask her while she still looks mad "what did you give me!" She says with a squeak in her voice "nothing at all" now she looks annoyed "but then what's the liquid in there? That's not nothing!" I was about to say something when I felt something was wrong, she must have seen the look on my face cause she stops being mad "you okay? Is something wrong?" She asks with a concerned tone "corruption is happening, I will go deal with it" I got up from my seat and as I was walking out the door "be careful!" She yelled at me, I nodded and opened a portal to the corriverse.

I started running toward the suspected corruption site, if I get there quick enough there won't be much damage.
I found the corrupted door in section N753PY, now to get rid of the corruption.
I enter the door and it seems like I ended up in a world with friendship in the

Universe: My Little Pony#526D953O

Location: Ponyville

I hate this, it's so pink and colorful. I just need to get the job done.
I start walking around getting weird looks from all the pony's, I guess desperate times call for desperate measures. I transform my self into a pony, now all that's left is to find the corruption. I start following my feeling on where it is, it was leading me toward the library shaped like a tree.
I enter it to find someone corrupted

Observe Use
Name: Discord
Status: Fully Corrupted
Immediate action is to be taken

I turn back into my normal form.
Looks like I'm dealing with a powerful opponent, time to start the cleaning.

I shoot my chains at him, it catches him but he swiftly breaks free from them. He fires a ray at me and I teleport out of its way.
I fire a beam of my own at him, unfortunately he dodges it.
He teleports right behind me and hits me in the back, In return I shoot him with my beam. He falls to the floor and I thought he was dead until he hits me with his beam of chaos, I got knocked back into a wall destroying it in the process. I got out from the wall and teleport behind him, giving him a swift kick to the head. He gets knocked into a wall also destroying it.
I didn't see him get up, but then everything around me starts getting corrupted. I then shot my chains around me hitting everything in the process. Ad I was dealing with the corruption I get launched into another wall. "I'm getting tired of this" I said very mad. Time to end this, I shot my beam at him once more but this time it was a different color, and he gets erased. That's another corruption down. I raise my clipboard and as I was putting a X. Someone entered the destroyed library.
"Hello? Who are you" The pony named twilight sparkle said "o̸d̸" I said to her with a glitchy voice as I write a X and teleport back to the corriverse while that universe gets erased and remade.
Time to continue patrol.


The Keeper of the Corriverse (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now