Moving in

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I sit at the cafe chair waiting...

Waiting for my old friend to show up, I currently moved to be closer to my college, me and him used to be best buds in Highschool always messing around with strawberry and him. He was strange, always hungry and so clumsy I don't know how he
got so good at fighting for pure vanilla when he's so clumsy and feeble-minded...

Ever since Dark enchantress cookie was defeated...

Me and him were never the same, I admit I was a bit of an asshole towards him... I'm pretty sure the only reason he didn't punch me was because strawberry was there, the only reason he decided to contact me was to help him pay off his apartment bills and that we are going to same school. I don't know how he got into such a good school, the only reason I got into it was because I had been friends with the ancients and other high profile cookies, and strawberry helped me with some of my school work-

I feel gently grip on my shoulders

"Hey wizard! Long time no see"

My eyes widen at the sight of him, he looks strangely similar but yet so different

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My eyes widen at the sight of him, he looks strangely similar but yet so different. Atleast he's wearing clothes I guess...

"Oh- uhm hey Gingerbrave nice seeing you again, i like the hat."
I say nervously not knowing how to start this conversation

He sits at my table and scoots the chair forward and wipes the snow off of his hands
"Damn it's chilly out tonight... so wizard how are you?..." he says in a slightly worried tone
"Im alright just tired and exhausted.." I yawn
"I can tell your eye bags are quite big and your hair is tangled!" He giggles
"Yeah.." I groaned slamming my head onto the table

He looks at me concerned. I feel his hand rub my head, I blush slightly, embarrassed as shit

"How about we pack up and go to my place? We can chat more there"

"Okay fine.."

An hour passes

"So do you like the place?" He giggles with a tiny grin on his face

It was a small apartment with a small couch and a tv, with a small kitchen right beside it. I admired the cute little decorations he added to the both rooms but I especially liked the two little plushes shaped like stars on the couch and a blue and red flower on the kitchen counter sitting in a old jar filled with a brown ish water, and right beside it was my old scarf... I remember giving that to him a long time ago when we graduated middle school. I walk towards the counter, picking up the old stained scarf in my hands and feeling the soft Cotten in my fingers

"I see you noticed your scarf.."

"You kept this?..." I said my eyes softened. He grabbed my shoulder gently
"Sure did, it always reminded me of you" he chuckled, I blushed at his comment
"I mean I had a crush on you in middle school" he giggled

"Wait what-"

I glanced at him, frozen in shock
"You didn't know? I thought I was obvious-"
He said spoke with surprised face taking off his hat and placing it on the counter
"Well I'm gonna head to bed it's quite late and Christmas break is gonna be over soon and we're gonna start collage soon so I gotta get my beauty sleep In" he said taking off his gloves and throwing the onto the couch "oh okay..."
I mumbled
"Well aren't you gonna come with me?" He said confused raising one eyebrow at me
"Well I don't really know where I'm gonna sleep-"
I said nervously trying to not be a hassle
"Oh yea were gonna be sleeping in the same bed!"

End of part one
(This series is a redo of my old one that got quite popular!!!)

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