Untitled Part 1

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im bord so lets learn how i do death seans, you may be a fan who knows that most of my work does have death at the end, but i also dont post most of the small storys that i make up on my phone.

for starters we need a background to atatch readers to MC. i dont want to write a full story just for this.

next you need to start a donw hill ark to mash the plot the the end together.say MC will be killed in an explotion at their school. though it is not needed, saying that bambs have been droped on other schools is worrying MC, might not be to bd of an idea.

now the last part is where MC has to go, they will now die. the death should make you sad. i perfer to be detailed and dramatic, if not them readers will know MC is dead but wont feel a conection to the other fans over the emotional damage. ofcorse you arent always killing MC so maybe you arent going to focas on the death as its happening but more so no how MC is affected.

"why do i even try, without (dead person) i will never fine love again" is bacic idea of MC's love dieing and how they resopnd. but do note that using what i just wrote is not a acual good line, you need somthing that you MC would say that would reflect the death.

a wile back i wrote the end to a story, the characters were baced off of people i know and MC was partly baced off of me.


There was a loud sound of an explosive blast, I looked over and onyx was laying next to me not moving. I struggled to breathe, the pain was all over.

There was a concrete laying on my legs from the sealing. It was crushing my stomach and I was bleeding outquickly. I had no feelings in my legs.

"Hah" I laughed a little "so this is it, this is how I go. A dead body next to me. Even in death his skin is so soft... I know I messed up a little but this is a little much don't you think?" I said to my selfas i remembered what i told rose that last time we spoke, and sighed, strugleing to beath. "I don't even know who I'm talking to or if anyone is listening but good bye."

I saw my life flash before my eyes, 'leave me alone and go back to you pethetic life' i had yelled at rose 'your nothing with out me and you only bring me down'. thats not what i meant, "please, i just need to tell her im sorry" i pleaded with the world. in the end i saw my family as they cryed over my dead body, and just like that a final tear fell from my face and it all ended.

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