Comfort Zone

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***BigBoss office***

"okay since everyone is here right now im happy to announce that the cast for my Boyfriend is a Superstar is all set and let congratulate everyone"

Doby is confused why he is also hearing those goodnews and why he is part of the gathering

"Excuse me Bigboss but sorry I'm confused and..."

"Oh Jace never told you yet?"

Bigboss looking back and forth to Jace and Doby. he look at Jace side and waiting for his answer

"Not yet because I want him to hear the good news coming from you and everyone here in this room"

Jace knows that it is more exciting if Dob hear it directly to BigBoss mouth

"Okay Dobyson, son you are going to play the main lead together with Jace in this series"

Doby is in shock.,he can't say words and just starting to understand the scenes

"Me as in me?"

Doby still can't believe what he is hearing right now

"Yes you are son"


with low voice Doby can't keep his tears and hugged Jace. everyone in the rooms knews that Doby deserve this one. he is so humble and hardworking., the reason why they casted him as main lead in the series because no one in the company can have this magical chemistry with Jace but him. they're not still officially couple but the growing numbers of supporters is very surprising and Jace recommended him personally to the Producer and ask them to keep it secret.

***Jace Car***

"Dob where do want to go?you want to go home now?"

Dob phone is ringing and it was his bestfriend Pierre..he let the phone rings until it stop

"Why you didn't answer the call?"

"I dont want to go home but I dont want to go anywhere either and seen by public"

JNN announce them already in social media so the fans went crazy seeing them together and his not ready for it.


Jace knows that Doby is not totally fine
He didn't talk about why he cried in the C.R but he already knows the reason. he is too afraid to ask and knows the possible answer

"Where are we?"

"in my place, better stay here for a while so you can rest"

Doby just nodd and follow Jace on his way to his condo

"What do you want to eat for dinner?"

"anything would be fine"

"Okay.,wait for a moment and I'll prepared the food"

Jace is looking extra fine wearing an apron. he seems like good in making delicious food. from his eyes, nose and lips Doby can totally say that his face close to perfect, his built and his height  is one of ideal in Man's figure. not too masculine not to thin., Doby is wondering if Jace has been in past relationship and how would he act infront of his girlfriend because everything he did for him now is too good to be not appreciated.

"I didn't expect that the person I used to admire before and my inspiration of being an artist is my close friend now"

"Dinner is serve young master"

Jace wide smile makes him even more handsome in Doby's eyes

"Ohhhh, what is this?"

"kway toew and sticky rice with mango"

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