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"Come on Nandini,you can do this na?" said Manik wiping off the sweat from Nandini's forehead as she continued pushing hard. There were complications and here she was in labour earlier than expected.

"Can you please shut up Manik you are not helping at all" said Nandini struggling for breath as her nails dug deep in Manik's pal. Well,he couldn't even complain right now. Her eyes were reflecting her state and tiredness. It was 6 hours and the baby had no intentions of relieving the mommy yet.

"Mrs. Malhotra, you can't stop and quit. It can be very fatal" said the doctor as she saw Nandini drifting in to unconsciousness. "Can you hear me Mrs. Malhotra? Oh shit. Mr. Malhotra you move out. This is critical now. We need to go for Caesarean" said the doctor

"What arey but you said it was a normal delivery what's wrong?" said Manik clutching tight on to Nandini's hand as she lay, barely conscious now.

Manik had no choice but to agree. This was all too much to sink in. Amayra had a minor surgery a few weeks back , she was doing well now. Cabir was back. He was no more with Navya now.  She had a miscarriage as she slipped from the stairs, while she was threatening Cabir to kill herself because of the distant behaviour he was throwing at her. Cabir knew there was something wrong with her mental stability. He could never forgive her for being the reason that their child was not in this world. A part of her also knew it happened for good. He couldn't imagine Navya as a mother to his kids now, after all the negligence she was showing for Radhika. Radhika lived with Cabir for Navya was in a mental asylum now. He couldn't just leave the little girl like that , he loved her ofcourse. The relationship they shared would be very complicated for her to understand but he knew she would be happy, with Nandini , Amayra and ofcourse the lil one on the way.

Manik came out of the labour room and settled himself on the bench with his head in his hands. The family knew a caesarean was up as informed by the doc. Cabir settled beside Manik rubbing his shoulders giving him the much needed comfort.

"This is not how we had planned it " said Manik , softly yet audibly. He was on the verge of breaking out. It were instances like these which made him realise how much he needed Nandini, and how much dependent was he on her. "I didn't want to fall in love this hard man. She seems so helpless right now and I can do absolutely nothing"

"Manik, remember what Nandini always says? God's plan is greater than all of ours. We are seeing the present and probably the near future but God is seeing it all in a wider sphere. It's going to be okay." said Cabir.

Manik nodded at him. "Cabir, you go home to Amayra please. Take mom with you. I am here"

"Are you sure? Amayra is okay. I called Abhimanyu. I will be here to help." Cabir insisted.

"Alright, you drop mom home and then come" said Manik. Nyonika had been unwell too. He knew she needed rest too but she wouldn't budge. Sometimes , the love that she had for Nandini surprised him so much but then it's Nandini, can make anyone fall in love with her and oh so hard.

Cabir took Nyonika after bringing Manik a coffee. His eyes showed be needed it.

"This doesn't have the magical effect of Nandini's coffee but might work for the time being" said Cabir making Manik chuckle faintly.

It was an hour now. 15 minutes more when he finally heard those muffled cries. Not very clear, not too faint. Just enough for all his tensions to fly away,enough for that smile and content to be back on his face. He couldn't wait and be patient anymore now. It was a matter of few more minutes when a nurse came out holding a tiny tot in her hands. Manik could not stop his tears anymore now. Before he knew they were flowing like anything, down his eyes. He could feel the happiness and also the haziness in his eyes. He looked at that little red face.
He looked at the nurse and extended his hands for her to give him what was his, his baby.

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