night terrors and daydreams

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27/03/23—18 35
lee jihoon x kim chaeyoung (oc) x kwon soonyoung

When Soonyoung arrived at Jihoon's apartment and found Chaeyoung sleeping on Jihoon's lap on the couch, he was honestly kind of proud that he was the only other person to be privy to Jihoon's touch, knowing that Jihoon was by far the most distant and cold person he knew.
And if he had to be honest, it was the most wholesome thing he'd ever seen.
Jihoon brought a slender finger to his lips to shush him before he could gush over how adorable she looked, wielding a scowl that had Soonyoung fearing for his life at the thought of his looming demise should he even make a noise.
Chaeyoung stirs in her sleep, tightening her grip on Jihoon's hand and turning his attention away from Soonyoung (thank god) to glance back at her, a fond look in his eyes that had Soonyoung's heart melting into sugar syrup. He crept closer to the two, giddy with adoration and longing to join in—until Chaeyoung shivers.
And then the saddest sound he's ever heard escapes her lips and it feels like someone dug a knife into his chest and in that moment Soonyoung just feels like crying. And—and when she whimpers again it feels like that knife is being twisted in his ribs and it's the most painful thing he's ever felt and he just feels so so sorry.
Jihoon freezes, and after a second his brows furrow, like restarting a video at a freeze frame. He must have seen Soonyoung's eyes glisten with tears, because he sighs and beckons him in with an exasperated look on his face. Soonyoung rushes to Chaeyoung's other side and pulls her close to rub circles on her back. Jihoon's side is pressed against Soonyoung's in their attempt to comfort her and when her ice cold fingers wrap around his certainly not ice cold fingers he almost cries out to the heavens to take away her pain.
Soonyoung doesn't even realise he's crying until the salty mixture reaches his lips, and then he feels kind of bad because she should probably be crying more than him with the way her face has contorted.
Jihoon cups his face in his hands, tears threatening to spill out from his eyes too.
"She's going to be alright, honey," and his voice is as sweet as honey itself, and Soonyoung knows that was suppose to comfort him but he just feels like crying more. He sinks into Jihoon's touch, laying his cheek on his hand as the younger wipes away his tears with his thumb. God why is he so soft for them—
Soonyoung lets Jihoon soothe him with his honeyed words because god he thinks he needs it, Chaeyoung still curled up on his lap and whimpering, slowly breaking his already shattered heart.
And he begs, if the Lord is real, for Him to take away all of her pain and inflict it on him instead if He has to. Watching her writhe in discomfort makes his blood boil in fury at Him for not keeping Chaeyoung safe with all of His power and ability.
Chaeyoung's eyelashes flutter, before her eyes are forced open violently and she draws in a shaky breath, taking in Soonyoung and Jihoon, faces creased with worry and fear.
"Oh my god," Soonyoung breathes, watching the way Chaeyoung's hazel irises flick from side to side faster than light, as if checking the room, and he can tell how scared and small she feels and—and it hurts so much but he can only imagine how much more it hurt for her. Her body tenses at Soonyoung's touch, before relaxing when she realises it's him. Jihoon lets out a breath he was holding when she gives his hand a squeeze and a weak smile that cracks his heart in two. It hurts to know that even when she must have gone through a life-changing nightmare she still cares about them.
And in that moment he, Chaeyoung and Jihoon are the only people on Earth. There's a sort of understanding between the three that whatever just happened is never to be uttered from any of their lips under any circumstance, but that breaks them even more.
For now, their little haven in each others' arms is safe.
Soonyoung just hopes one day it'll be safer.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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