Dark (larry stylinson)

586 9 4

The sway of drunken bodies, abstracting my view of my friends. Standing on my toes, my eyes survey the dance floor. No faces are recognizable to me. Claustraphobia getting the best of me, my feet shuffle and I weave my way thought sweaty bodies. The exist is in clear sight, my feet move faster, and my arms are ready to force the door open. My path is blocked by a tall muscular body. my head turns to look at the face of the man infront of me. Eyes wondering, I see green orbs, percing, boring in to mine.

"Excuse me," my voice is small. The voice the stranger emits is unexspectadly pleasant. A deep dimples smirk spreeds acrost his beautifly feachered face. A certain darkness is shown in his dark yet lovely face.

"Whats your name pretty boy?" The face of the man is angelic, but he frightens me. My body quiveres as his sweet sented yet hot breath hits my face. "well, what is it?" the devious smile slowly slipps acrost his face.

"Louis,"i say closing my eyes as his lips graze my neck. i hear him sound a sweet low hum, his parted lips slowly inch closer to my neck. He nippled and sucked leaving a large purple love bite on my neck. He pulls back smiling at the job he had done.

"you're mine now," he smirks wider, showing his perfect white teeth. "Give me you phone." He comanded. With a slow shakey hand I pull out my phone, ecstending it twords him in fear. I wait for him to take it from my hands. The phone is taken in a surprisingly gentle manner. His larg fingers tapping on the small keys on my phone. he looks up at me the ghost of a smirk lingering on his fac. He hands me back my phone just as his sounds " just wanted to make sure you didnt give me a fake number." My head shakes slowly, I would be to intimadated to give him a fake number.

"I never cought your name." I can tell i have pleading eyes. This man scares me. He looks at me amilessly looming over my head, I feel so small near his large body.

"Look at the phone," he says chuckling ahe he stroles away from my small quivering body. I quickly continue my way out the door. once im outside i peer down at my phone. Harry. How could such a beautiful face have suck a dark soul. The door opens be hinde me, I suck in a long shaky breath. I turn on my heal to see my beast-friend Liz. I had no idea I was crying intill Liz whipped my eyes and pulled me into a warm imbrace.

"Whates wrong, Boo?' She asks her eyes gleeming with concern. I contuinue to shake and cry in her arms. My body wa uncapable of doing anything but relise the fear i felt for harry in sobs. "Boo, what happened?"

I inhale slowly, "harry," was all i could get out before i hear a crash and a lot of yelling.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2014 ⏰

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