Chapter 1

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Planet Meowtopia - a beautiful planet inhabited by colorful anthropomorphical cats. It was a sunny day in Meowtopolis, the capital of planet Meotopia. There were a lot of people hanging out in the park that day, when suddenly one of the bushes started rustling.

A light gray cat popped out of it. She had rainbow colored hair and wore a purple t-shirt with a rainbow on it. She looked around and held one of her hand above her eyes so that the sun wouldn't dazzle her while she did so. After that, she pulled a pair of binoculars out of the bush she was hiding in and looked through it. "Oh! Impressive!", she said excitedly, but quietly so that the other people in the park wouldn't notice her. The cat grabbed a notebook which had also been lying between the bushes. Colorful photos, drawings and notes were sticking out of it because it was rather overfilled with them. She also grabbed her ball pen, held it up next to her and pressed on its back so that it made a clicking noise and the lead came out. "Day 416", she said as she started writing, "Meowtopolis park; Weather: Sunny, warm but not too hot. Possible evidence for the existence of magical creature #87 found..." One of the drawings fell out of her notebook. "Oh, what's that?" She bent down to pick it up. It was a drawing of a cartoon cat. "Aw man!", the gray cat said, "I totally forgot finishing the next comic page!" She sighed, looking at her notes, then at the drawing, then at her notes again. "Finding evidence is more important right now, I guess... But on the other hand I always say that... Wait, what's that?" She heard a rolling noise. It sounded like a skateboard, but as she recognized that, it already was too late.

Turning around, saw an orange cat heading right into her direction with quite a high speed. The gray cat screamed ridiculously, shut her eyes and ducked, but nothing happened. All that could be heard was the orange cat laughing. "Pahaha, Prisma! You should have seen your face! You were all like, 'Waah!'", she said, making a ridiculous and exaggerated impression of the gray cat. Prisma opened her eyes and looked at the orange cat. She had blonde hair, wore a green and red top, blue shorts, red sneakers and a blue and red cap. "Flashie! You could've hit me!", Prisma said angrily, wiping dust and leaves off her shirt. The orange cat crossed her arms. "Oh come on, do you really think that I would cause some kind of accident or something? I'm like, the skateboarding champion of Meowtopia! Literally, I got trophies and shit like that, ya know." She smiled widely, watching Prisma pick up some more drawings that had fallen out of her notebook.

"What are you doing here anyway?", Flashie asked. "Are you drawing? Like, working on your comic thing? Man, I thought I'd never see you drawing anywhere else than in your room or your basement or something." "No, I'm not drawing", Prisma replied with a serious expression. "Besides, my room pretty much is my basement. Anyway, today I'm about to find actual evidence for the existence of this!" She held her notebook up right in front of Flashie's face who started reading out loud. "Magical creature #87: The pigasus..." She started laughing and pointed at a photo. "Is that a picture of a pig with paper wings glued to its back? Hah! Dude, that's a good one!" Prisma angrily closed the notebook and it made a loud noise as she did so. Flashie's expression turned from her "making fun of someone"-expression to a rather serious one. "Aw man, you don't seriously look for evidence of a magical flying swine, do you? I mean, that would be rather sad and ridiculous... and crazy. But mostly just sad if you asked me." "Laugh now, friendo... laugh as long as you still can", Prisma said seriously, but then she had to admit to herself that she did sound ridiculous, and so she and Flashie both started laughing.

"Ah, here you are, Flashie!", another voice said. They turned around and saw a blue cat. She had dark blue hair with pink and green highlights. She wore a pink t-shirt and a white shirt with long sleeves underneath. Her skirt was white and checkered in several colors, and she wore pink, yellow green and blue striped stockings and blue leg warmers. "Oh, there you are, Nightsky! I already thought I was too quick for you to come after me!", Flashie said. "Where's Lovelyn though? I thought she had come with us, too." "I'm right here!", a pink cat said with a cheerful voice. She wore a blue top with a yellow shirt underneath, a green, blue and yellow striped belt and a pink skirt with hearts in those three colors on it. Her hair had a pink-red color with blue and green highlights and wore a red necklace. "Come on, Flashie, we gotta go!", Lovelyn said. "You can keep chatting with Prisma on the surprise par-" Nightsky quickly put her hand on Lovelyn's mouth before she could finish the sentence and smiled nervously. "Right, we gotta go now. You're gonna come to Berry's and Citrus' Bar later, aren't you?", she asked. "Yeah, I guess so", Prisma replied with a confused expression. She usually hung out at her best friend's bar in the evening. "Good", Nightsky said. "I mean, not that we would be going there or anything." The blue cat stood there with the hands on her hips, giving Lovelyn and Flashie a look that told them that it was time to leave. "Okay then", Flashie said, "We really gotta go. See ya later!" "Yep, see you, Prisma!", Lovelyn added, waving with both of her hands. "Uh, okay... bye!", Prisma said and watched the three girls walk away, wondering about the rather weird conversation they just had.

Suddenly, a little rain drop fell on Prisma's notebook. Prisma looked into the sky. The weather often changed from sunny to rainy all the sudden, resulting in rainbows. Prisma noticed that more of her drawings had fallen out of her notebook when she had ducked because of Flashie heading towards her with her skateboard. "Aw man", she said, "I just hope these didn't get dirty or something!" She quickly started collecting them and stuffing them into her notebook. After that, she left the park and started walking towards the bar her best friend Citrus ran with her twin sister Berry.

Meowtopia #1: Prisma's Quest BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now