25 Years and Forevermore

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Author's Note
Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know I'm working on the fourth chapter of my WinTeam story as we speak. It's been such a busy weekend! I write these little oneshots to continue exercising my writing muscle so I can provide the best content for you. After Boun's heart-melting birthday gifts to Prem this year, I just HAD to write something for it. Please enjoy, and "In Tune" will be updated soon! Thank you for your support.


Exhaustion from the lengthy, tiresome day melts into Prem's limbs as the back car window finally rolls up, closing off the world of boisterous fans beyond. As much appreciation as he has for today, for the gifts, for the love, the newly twenty-five year old could collapse.

He rests his head on the seat back, slipping his catlike eyes closed, golden hair tousled from the action. The tiniest smile grows on his dormant lips at the sensation of gentle fingers carding through that same golden hair.

"Salapao... Are you tired already?"

A soft snort of laughter escapes Prem's grin, dazed eyes slipping halfway open. "It isn't like that was a four-hour event or anything."

Boun's gentle gaze scans Prem's  face, caressing the golden fringe away from the younger's eyes to press a kiss to his forehead beneath the softness. "You're growing old now. You'll become tired more quickly na?"

Prem pokes the elder's cheek childishly, leaning up to brush their noses before stealing a whisper of a peck from his baby-soft lips. "Thank you for everything today, P'Boun."

He clutches the elder's hand between them in the comfortable leather seats, closing his strained eyes once again.

The birthday boy was genuinely shocked—he had no idea Boun had tirelessly worked for months, writing and composing a special song just for him. It takes dedication, and talent, and an immense amount of love to create and give something so priceless—something that could never be stolen, nor forgotten.

With how the specially-crafted ring was presented to him, how P'Boun so shamelessly flashed his own to the entire crowd, the older romantic may as well have proposed right then. Prem was so surprised that he couldn't cry, and didn't until the event was over. Releasing his feelings in such a way was the most exhausting part of the day.

Boun slips his gentle thumb over Prem's knuckles, shining eyes focused on his sleeping face—the fluttering eyelids, barely-parted, rosy lips.

I could kiss you awake right now, Sleeping Beauty.

The tires of the Studio Wabi Sabi-issued car slow to a halt after a drive of however-many-minutes. Watching Prem peacefully sleep was relaxing enough for Boun to lose complete track of time.

In any regard, it's nearly dinner time. Much like his popular drama character, Prem enjoys inhaling food and can't go more than twenty to thirty minutes with a growling stomach.

Boun gently shakes Prem's shoulder, watching him adorably stir awake, blurred eyes registering his surroundings.

"N'Prem... Hey... We're back at the hotel, let's clean up and have food ordered, kahp?"

The couple's elevator ride to and walk down the hallway to their hotel room rests in comfortable silence. Prem keeps a secure grip on the taller's fingers, lazily pulling him toward the door, feet trudging sleepily with no desire to sprint. Boun follows close behind, lopsided grin on his lips.

"Salapao, do you want me to carry you? You're being a baby na."

Prem turns his body toward Boun, sticking his tongue out at him before hooking his arms around the elder's neck to be hoisted up with ease, much like a child.

25 Years and Forevermore - A BounPrem Story Where stories live. Discover now