Dare/Q:Where's all the fighting? Srs. Foxy fight someone IDEK
Foxy:What now?
Me:You got a dare!
Foxy:Oh no!
Me:Oh Yes!
Foxy:What is it!?!
Me:You have to fight someone!
Foxy:Uh oh
Me:Who are you going to fight?
Foxy:hmmm... *shrugs* what about bonnie?
Me: >:) muajajajajaja
Bonnie:What's up?
Me:You have to fight foxy
Bonnie:Why did I even come here? >:( Fiiiiiineeee...
Me:At 3... 1... 3!!!!
Bonnie:*Throws punch*
Foxy:*grabs bonnie's hand*
Foxy:*falls on top of bonnie*
Me:*Rings bell* We have a tie
Everybody except Bonnie and Foxy:Tie breaker! Tie Breaker! TIE BREAKER!!!!
Me:Round 2! FIGHT!
Bonnie:*tries to kick but falls backwards*
Foxy:*puts 1 foot on bonnie* * wins awesomely*
Me:*Rings bell* We have a winner!