The Nan Household

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Yang Zhiming was silently drinking his tea. This was his fifth cup already. He sure waited for a while now. The whole Nan family greeted him and left. He was seated with the City Lord Nan and Old Leader Nan. The rest of them left shortly. The conversation was going smoothly but anybody could tell how nervous everyone was except the emperor who carelessly drinking the tea. Suddenly the beautiful person entered. Looking all fancy but covering his sharp eyes.

"Nan Xuezhe, you are finally here. You make us wait for so long," the Old Nan, his grandfather said.

"My apologies Grandfather," he replied and greeted his grandfather went to sit with beside his grandfather.

"Since you are here, let's start the ritual."

A servant entered the room and whispered something to City Lord. He looked around and stare at certain someone who was standing behind the curtain at entrance. Both of them lock eyes for a moment and held a stare for while then the City Lord looked at old Nan and said,"Apologies grandfather, but we can't do the the ritual for next hour or so."

"And why is that, Daoming?"

"Because the temple have received the news about emperor being here and suggested to do the ritual at temple with proper arrangements," Nan Daoming replied.

Old Nan stayed silent for while and look between the emperor and the new empress. Xuezhe look at emperor for a brief minute and said, "We don't have to this ritual. Since the emperor already have met everyone and I have went to the temple too. The ritual is kinda complete. We should just head back."

The figure behind the curtain entered the room and said,"If you guys don't have anything urgent to do, then I insist to do the ritual because since the temple is already informed and making arrangements it would be shame to tell them that both of you left without doing the ritual."

Before Nan Xuezhe could say anything, the emperor started, "Since all of you are so invested in this, then I don't think we mind staying." Nan Xuezhe want to refuse but couldn't when he see the hopeful eyes of his sister-in-law and Nan Xiu. The emperor continued after seeing the lack of response from the empress, "I am quite tired from the journey earlier and wish to rest for a while if you guys don't mind."

"No it's fine. Your Majesty come with me, I would show you chambers for rest for now." The Lady from earlier said. The emperor get up and followed the lady as they headed towards the chambers. All of people accompanying the emperor trailed behind them.

When everyone left the leaving Nan Xuezhe, Old Leader Nan and City Lord Nan or Nan Daoming. The silence kept over them.

"How did the temple get the news this fast? I am sure they have plant some spies in our household. We should sure be more aware of our servants," Nan Daoming said breaking the silence.

"Doesn't matter for now. Let's do the ritual at night. Send Fengxin to temple to discuss about this," Old Leader Nan said.

"Fengxin didn't return from the Shin estate yet. I will send Huan with Fulin to Monk Shang." Daoming said and left the room. Leaving the silent Xuezhe with their grandfather.

"How's everything in the Palace, Xuezhe?" His grandfather asked.

"Nothing to worry of but Grandfather I was planning to get a new name that people can address with. Is it fine with you?"

"It's fine until you don't ask us to address you with that name, Xuezhe."

"Thank you and I was planning to meet Grandmother, if you don't mind, I will take my leave for now," Xuezhe said and proceed to leave.

"Talk to Kun'er, if you are at it," His grandfather said silently. He nodded and left the luxurious living room.

A hour passed and Nan Xuezhe returned to the room where the emperor was in. The emperor was still asleep without any care of world. He went to sit beside him on the bed. Just as he seated, the emperor grab his hand and pull him down. He was laying next to the emperor with emperor's hand on his waist.

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