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Mattew Valerio

"How do you feel about this last race Mattew?

-With a lot of stress. When we know that we only have one march left to become this year’s «World Champion», we are afraid to waste all our efforts since the beginning of the season.

-And are you worried that the tie in the standings between you and Suarez might allow him to steal first place?

-Sure! If Chad was just sticking to my ass, then I’d be bored all the time. He and I need that competitiveness on our playground. He knows perfectly well that every time he passes me, I intend to do everything I can to get my seat back, and I intend to win.”

The laughs of the journalists ring false and the concentrated air of my opponents prove that I am right. I hate pre-race interviews. In addition to wasting time, we have to sympathize with our enemies at each of them, as if some had their chance to climb the podium.

I notice then that the journalists start to take out their phones and talk so quickly that I really don’t hear anything from their chatter. Only the words “pilot”, “strategy” and “upset” come to my ears. I dare to speak up to understand this situation.

“Can one of you explain what’s going on?”

The man who was asking me questions a few minutes ago, stops talking to his colleagues, turns to me and gets up.

"A press release has just been sent to us announcing the arrival of a new pilot.

-What? Who is he and why does he only show up for the last race?

-I will read to you exactly what it says, “As our exemption from the rule has just been accepted, we are announcing the entry of a new person on the exemption grid. We invite you to consider this information as a challenge. We'll even make it easier for you because this person will start in last place. And we won't reveal the identity of this driver until the end of the race." That's the main info, although I think... "

I don't even wait for the end of his sentence before I reach the exit door. A new driver? And then what? Putting our scores back to 0? Honestly, Formula 1 is going to sink because of this stupid decision.

Running in the paddocks, I collide with Carl Harlan. I grab him by the arm and pull him between two trucks of our team.

"Tell me this is a joke! I yelled in his face.

-I was sure you'd be pissed off...

-Of course I am and I hope you have more information than I do because I'm not going to screw up this race!

-I do have one piece of information that you don't, that's right...If this driver wins the race, he will automatically become this year's world champion."

It only takes me a few seconds before I explode with laughter, attracting stares from passersby. I am really the clown of service in this crazy circus. I've suffered all year for a damn title that could be taken from me at any moment. But damn...I'm Matthew Valerio. I've already been world champion last year. I'm a legend who scares his opponents, his teammate and his team. And I'm really fearing someone who we don't know anything about and who probably has no idea who he's going to be up against in this race.

"I'll have to deal with it anyway, I said.

-I'm afraid so, buddy..."

The dice were now rolling and I knew that the chaos in my head was going to have a hard time going away. I hate not being in control of the situation and I know my team is paying the price. Only by riding will my problems go away and that's exactly what I plan to do.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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