No, I will never forget

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"Will you forget about me when we finish this school?" you asked me. "No I won't" I replied, because that was the only answer that wouldn't offend you, that was the answer you wanted to hear, you always got what you wanted. I said, I won't forget but I wasn't sure, but now I am. I'm sure, I won't forget. Before I met you I was scared of having guy friends, always at the end they showed me, what they really wanted, but you tried to show me that not every guy is like that, and I believed you. I believed that you were different. I remember the night you asked me if you could stay the night, is said no, but you kept pushing. I didn't let you, you didn't get what you wanted, and you didn't like that, did you? I will always remember, I will never forget, when I invited my friends to my house and to my surprise you also came, I smiled and even tho you came unannounced, I let you in, only because I'm nice and kind, I was at least, that was not any kind of a "sign" as you called it. Call it whatever you want, I guess, you always get what you want at the end. All my other friends already left, but you didn't, I asked you politely, but you didn't leave, I asked less politely, didn't leave. I asked and asked, but you didn't leave, why didn't you? Because you didn't want to, and you always get what you want, right? I will always remember when you decided to touch what wasn't yours to touch. I told you to stop, but you didn't. Just because you wanted to do what you were doing, you didn't care about anything, but what you wanted. You made my heart bleed, and you left a scar that will be here forever, just because you wanted to. I will always remember when after what happened you didn't stop, it wasn't enough, was it? You followed me countlessly with your stupid friends. You still text me, I blocked you but you always find different ways to scratch the wound you left. I will never forget how the teacher, I went to for help told me "you probably were giving him signs, are you even sure he understood when you rejected him, honey?". So no, I didn't forget you, even after school finished.

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