Chapter 3 scars

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4 years later...

Me, Della, Scrooge, and Donald went to the island where they found RJ. Della ran ahead of him. RJ saw the Bear, and it had Della cornered. " Hey, get away from my girlfriend!" he yelled at Bear. The Bear went towards RJ and smacked its paw into RJ's face. He was knocked out, and his face was covered in blood. Della went up to him, he was still breathing, and she ran to her Uncle Scrooge. "Uncle Scrooge!" she yelled. "What's wrong?" "RJ, BEAR!" she said. Scrooge was running behind her. He saw RJ bleeding. RJ woke up in the hospital and saw Della. Della kissed him "I thought I lost you." she said. RJ's eye had stitches and a Band-Aid on it. "It takes more than that to kill me," said RJ. "you're lucky RJ," said the nurse. "When do I get to go home?" asked RJ. "Tomorrow," said the nurse. The next day, Della went to RJ's room. RJ was packing up. Della jumped out behind him and scared him. "Della" he said "ya" she said, "why did you"-"I love you" Della said. "Really?" RJ said. Della Grabbed a stuffed bear off the bed. They were in the Mansion and they went to RJ's room, and they unpacked. Della grabbed the stuffed bear. "Where did you get this?" Della asked. "My dad" RJ said. "It's the only thing that I had on the island from my family. I know it is babyish," RJ said. "No it's not, it's the only thing you have from your family." One week later, RJ got his stitches out.

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