Story Two °Chapter 2° Daniel + Marcus °1990°🛑Abortion mentioned!🛑 ~Daniels POV~

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Previously on Daniel and Marcus's Story,

"I'll wait outside. Come to my car, it's getting chilly out." He said and I nodded. He grabbed his bag and then leaves.

I check the guy that snuck in, out. "You know him?" He asks me and I look up at him. Then I looked outside to see the guy leaning on a really nice car.

"Yes, I do." I said and the person nods.

"Thanks, Daniel. Have a good day!" He said and I smiled and nodded.

"You too." I said and he smiled and left.

After 10 minutes I start to close.

"Dont close!" A person said and I looked over to a young mom with a stroller.

"I just need baby formula and some food. Your the only place that has the best formula." She said and I smiled.

"Alright, come on in ma'am." I said and unlocked the door and held it open. I looked towards the guy and he looks at me.

"I'll be out in a couple minutes." I said, that couple minutes lasted another 20 minutes because the store became packed and the person who usually shows up, was late.


I leave the store and what's his name was still there, but he was in the car now. But when he saw me coming out, he gets out of the car and holds the door open for me.

I thank him and get in. He gets in the back with me.

"So, what'd you wanna talk about?" I ask, right then and there I had the urge to throw up. I've been feeling like this for a couple weeks now.

I close my eyes and hold my mouth. "You okay?" He asks and I nodded.

"Just felt a little sick, but I'm okay. Continue." I said and he hums.

"My name is Marcus Frendal. I'm the CEO at Plasma Corp." He said and I looked at him.

"I'm gonna be sick." I said and he just looks at me dumbfoundedly.


I open the door on my side and hurl up my breakfast.

"Ugh...Ahh...Ughh...." I moan in pain and still throw up. Someone starts rubbing my back...

"Ugh...Ah..." I moan and wipe my mouth.. 

"Water..." I said and he hurriedly got me water. I drank some and poured some out on the ground to wash away the puke.

I put one hand on my stomach and the other on my head.

"We should take you to the doctor." Marcus said. I shake my head.

"I dont have money to pay for the hospital bill. I'll just wait and see if this gets better." I said and he shakes his head no.

"Randy, to the nearest hospital." He said to the driver I totally bypassed. The guy nods and starts driving.

"I'll pay the bill, dont worry about a thing. Now, let me tell you what I wanted to say." He said and I nodded.

"You could be Pregnant." He said and I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"I, what?!!" I said and he nodded.

"I dont know what it is with my Gene's. I can get anyone Pregnant. But it's rare. So if your Pregnant, it can also be you have the same Gene's. It's hard to get males Pregnant as they dont have the reproductive systems like girls do." He said and I just looked at him dumbfoundedly.

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