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From what I remembered, only Harry knows what was going on between me and Cedric. He found out by himself which meant that people are going to start realizing, too.

After that tense moment with Cho, I needed someone to talk about it with. And Harry was the only person I could trust. He was willing to skip dinner just for me, again, so I took the chance to have a conversation with him in the common room since everyone went to eat.

"... it turns out Cho confessed to Cedric a few weeks ago," I sigh as I hugged my legs. We both sat near the fireplace again and I could feel Harry's eyes looking at me seriously. "And she figured out that Cedric likes me."

Harry frowns at that, "She won't tell to other people, right?"

I smiled as I shook my head in response to his question. "No, Cho is still sweet. Until I have the guts to confirm my relationship with Cedric, I gave her time to win him over."

This somewhat made Harry feel unhappy. I could see unhappiness, confusion, and madness in his eyes, but not towards me. "And she agreed to that?" He asked incredulously.

I could only nod to that. "I honestly don't care if Cedric likes her again. He could if he wanted to." It was clear that by saying things like that, I was trying to cope with the bad ending way more earlier. I was deeply in denial by my own thoughts that I think Harry knows how crazy I am.

He groaned. He made the decision to take my hand and drudge us out of the common room because this counselling session was clearly not going anywhere. I raised an eyebrow, asking where we were going when I was already comfortable inside. As I watched which turns he would make through the halls, he didn't bother to respond.

I became more aware that he was taking me to the Great Hall as my eyes grew wider. "Wait, wait, wait- I'm not going in there!" I said, yanking him back before we revealed ourselves from the big entrance.

The boy turned around, "why not? I can't just sit back and watch you pout about Cho Chang. You've spent far too much time with me; you also need to socialise with the others!" He says, this time interlocking his hand with mine. Before he proceeded, he gave me a small smile, saying his quick sorry through it for being tough all of a sudden.

I groaned and accepted my defeat. I sensed some people were staring as he led me inside. It felt odd to do this; and by this, I meant holding hands, with hundreds of people watching. I've been hiding for too long, so maybe he's right—I'm no longer as used to the crowd.

I turned my attention to the Hufflepuffs' table. They were precisely next to ours, which makes me even more anxious to see Cedric. I was shocked to find that Cho wasn't sitting at their table. But Cedric was there for sure. He didn't seem as bright with his friends as they laughed out loud, but my heart leapt when we both caught each other's eyes. He appeared equally as happy to see me finally stepping outside of my comfort zone, but when I noticed him averting his gaze to my hand, which was linked with Harry's, he appeared to frown a bit.

Crap. Crap. Crap. I panicked and tried to signal Harry to let go of my hand. Luckily for me, this boy isn't that stupid and caught up. He let go and I could feel him moving his gaze to search for Cedric, and when he saw him, Harry turned to look at me with a smirk. I furrowed my eyebrows at this, knowing he had funny ideas inside his head, but thank goodness he didn't do anything.

Before we sat down in front of Hermione and Ron, I look at Cedric again, seeing him slightly curling up a smile. I smiled a little but when his friends asked him what or who was he smiling at, I quickly sat down and tried to hide with Ron in front of me. The ginger looked at me, confused, but he continued eating and let me do whatever I had to do.

"Were you smiling at Cho, Diggory?" I hear them say, "Blimey, you sure are making progress with her!" They laugh and I rolled my eyes.

I turned around to see Cho actually behind me, smiling at Cedric. We looked at each other, and she didn't say anything as she quickly moved her gaze to somewhere else. I rolled my eyes at this as I sat normally once again.

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