Where's My Angel? [Intro]

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 -12 years Ago- (Cas is 5 now)

Castiel was sitting outside at recess, doodling small drawings with the couple of crayons he had to draw with. Castiel always had a very vivid imagination. His mother always told him he would grow up to be a great artist, and Castiel really didn't doubt that.

He liked his drawings. Too bad most people didn't... Not like he cared. He shouldn't care, either. His mother had always told him to ignore the bullies that tried to get under his skin.

He wouldn't let a few kids who thought they were better than anyone else get to him. He loved drawing, and he wouldn't let anyone ruin it for him. While Castiel was drawing, he heard a loud yell. A boys yell. 'Dean?' He thought, looking around for the taller boy.

When he had finally spotted Dean, Dean was yelling at some girl about God knows what... Castiel rolled his eyes, going back to drawing. It wasn't his business. He shouldn't get involved. There were some teachers trying to get the girl to say sorry, but she seemed to be refusing.

It was Bela Talbot. She was always trying to get Deans attention. She had an obvious crush on him. A kindergarten crush. Wonderful... When Castiel had looked back over to Dean, he was sitting on the ground looking rather sad about what happened.

Cas got up from the table, slowly making his way over to Dean, trying not to startle him or upset him even more. Cas knelt down in front of Dean, seeing a small '67 Impala toy missing one of the wheels, Dean staring at the other wheel on the ground.

Castiel frowned, picking up the wheel and handing it over to Dean. The other boy looked up at Cas, tears streaming down his face . "I hate her..." He muttered, whipping his eyes with his jacket sleeve. "She broke my car." Dean took the wheel of the toy car, trying to put it back on the car, but it wouldn't work. "No!" He yelled.

"She always breaks my things!" Upset, and fed up, Dean threw the car at Cas. "You can have it..." He grumbled, walking away from a rather confused Castiel. He looked down at the toy car in his hands, then back over at Dean. He put it in his pocket, walking back over to his bench where he sat down to continue his coloring, as if nothing happened.


That night, when Castiel was at home, he tried begging his 15 year old brother, Gabriel to drive him to the store. Why Castiel needed to go to the store, Gabriel had no idea... But, his mother was busy, and their father was out. "Mom?" Gabriel walked in his mothers office, where she was working. "Yes?" She asked, looking up from writing.

"Can I drive Cassie to the store? He wants to go, for whatever reason.." He asked, and his mother sighed. "What does he want at the store?" Gabe shrugged, and his mother finally agreed. "Don't say there forever." Gabriel smiled at her before walking out of the office. "Thanks."

Castiel was looking up at him with hope in his eyes as he waited for an answer. "Let's go." Gabe said, and Cas smiled widely before running out to the car. Gabriel was only 15. Not 16, but his mother had thought Gabriel was old enough to drive. He knew how to, anyway. There was no use in waiting another year.

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