Felix x Shy!Reader Pt. 2: Spring of 1959 🏫🌷

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Three semesters passed, and it was Felix's last semester before graduation. So much has happened; Felix and Jack have been plotting something. From what you know, they plan to open up a family-friendly restaurant featuring animatronics. It saddens you that this was his last year being here, and you will be stuck here longer. You weren't even sure where he was going afterward. You still stayed roommates with your best friend. They know that you have a massive crush on Felix. They tried to convince you to ask him out, but you refused because you weren't sure if he liked you the same.

"(Y/N)! You have to tell him soon! It's his last semester, and you're not going to see him again," They groaned in frustration. "You two are so cute together!"

"But what if he doesn't like me?" You replied.

"STOP IT RIGHT THERE!" They rebutted. "He was the one who asked you out for breakfast when you two met. Since that day, you two have kept going out for study sessions and eating afterward! Tell me, how do you still consider that friend behavior?"

"I don't know." You somberly said.

"Well, get your eyes checked because I see something you're not seeing." They scolded you.

That's when the phone rang.

"I'll get that." You went to pick up the phone. "Hello, (Y/N) speaking."

"Oh, Hey (Y/N)! I'm glad you answered," Felix spoke in relief.

"Is everything okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine," Felix quickly responded. "Look, this may seem sudden, but can you meet me at the courtyard? You know, the secret study spot?"

"Um, sure! Lemme get my shoes, and I'll be there soon!"

"That's okay. You can take your time."

"I'll see you then! Bye!"

"Bye, (Y/N)!" He hung up.

Your friend managed to slither her way next to you and had a devious smirk on their face.

"Hmm! Another date?"

"DATE?!?! IT'S NOT A DATE!" You yelled at them.

"It sounded like it! Heck, you were blushing the whole time when you were talking to him!"

You got so angry at them that you lightly punched them.

"Owwie!" Your friend whined. "Stop being a meanie, (Y/N) Kranken!"

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!??!" Your face became extremely hot.

You buried your face into your hands to not show how embarrassed you were.

"I'm leaving." You said after leaving your friend laughing out loud.

You quickly went to the spot he asked to meet up, and that's when you saw him sitting on a chair, patiently waiting for you. You decided to sneak up from the bushes and scare him.

"Ahh! Oh (Y/N), it's you," Felix gasped.

You gave him a teasing grin.

"Sneaky one, aren't ya?" He raised an eyebrow at you.

He grabs your hand and pulls you towards him—almost inches near each other's lips. You turned a shade of tomato red, which made him chuckle. You backed away and huffed at him.

"Aww! I'm sorry, cutie~" He rubs your shoulders.

"Cutie-?!" You stammered to recall what you were going to say. "So, what did you need me for?"

"Oh. Yeah," Felix stopped, and you felt his hands become slippery. "Yeah, about that. I wanted to ask you something."

"What could that be?" You curiously asked.

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