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Taetae was throwing up in the washroom while jimin was patting his back looking at his baby brother in law with sympathy who was crying comtineously while vomiting.

"*snif* J-jimini I-i *snif* I-i think I-im going to die." He told his soulmate in low cracking voice and tears filled in his bambi eyes.

Jimin facepalmed himself while shooking his head.

"Its nothing tae its just morning sickness you will not die just because of this mere vomit."

"I-i think God is punishing me because I made Mr kookie angry." He sniffed rubbing his eyes with his sweater paws.

Jimin looked at him with confused curious eyes and spoke.

"Now what you have done?" Jimin asked with done face.

"Y-yesterday kookie assigned me some math problems which was very difficult for me so Devil uncle tempted me to cheat for once I sneakily went to kookie's cupboard and took out the notes but then angel uncle guided me not to cheat because good boys can't cheat and taetae is a good boy na. I was about to place them back but then devil uncle forced me again to cheat, But I swear I didn't cheated because Angel uncle sent you, I thought you are kookie so in hurry I placed the notes on the wrong place I thought I placed them on the right spot but..I was wrong and today morning kookie found about it he asked me and I told him everything.......*snif*.... before he could punish me I ran away from there he also ran behind me but I locked myself in the bathroom he waited for an hour but I didn't come out .....h-he said taetae is bad boy and he will not talk to me...*snif*...After this he left from there that is why I'm in your room since morning I can't go back he will punish me."

Taetae told his whole incident while sobbing.
Jimin who was listening to him was so done with him. He sighed and spoke.

"It's ok baby kookie will forgive you, just say sorry to him."

But taetae shooked his head in denial.

"Nww he will punish me."

Jimin sighed again.

"No baby he loves you very much and these fresh love bits on your neck are the prove of if" Jimin said smirking smugly.

"Jiminiiiiiiii." Taetae glared at him with teary bambi eyes and flushed rosy breadcheeks.

Jimin chuckled

"Omo my cutiepie he will not punish you just try once." Jimin adviced him softly while pinching his cheeks.

Taetae sniffed and nodded his head.

"Now come lets go for lunch, where you can apologise to him hm." Jimin said caressing his soft silky hairs.

"O-okay." He wipped his tears and went behind jimin trembling with fear.
As soon as vmin entered into the dinette they saw everyone was having their meal. Taetae was hiding behind jimin peeking from his back he gulped seeing his husband who was glaring at him.

He nervously sat beside jimin looking at his fiddling fingers but to his bad he was sitting infront of jungkook facing him.

He sneakily glanced at his husband who was eating peacefully. Taetae bit his lips nervously and he also started eating after being served by the maids.

He was glancing at jungkook from time to time but jungkook didn't even spare a single glance at him and continued eating with pissed look on his face.

Tears brimmed into taehyung's bambi eyes by the ignorance from his kookie. Everyone noticed the tension between them. They hurriedly ate their lunch and left from their giving some privacy to the younger couple.

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