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POV rimuru-

Rimuru -hu me

It was a scene that could only be described as a monster Armageddon. No, that was no joke. Because it could only be described that way. Two dragons were fighting in a fierce battle. Although not the same shape, they were both the same size.

Rimuru - huh what the hell

Velzard - oh my littel bro and sis are fighting cute

Gobta- ( the heck that's not cute.. , it's like a total nightmare and why are they fighting in our country)

Rudra- huh looks like I am making my move

( But how did he got unseald .i was thinking to make him my pawn but looks like there's someone who has already messed up with my plans said glaring at rImuru and guy)

Veldora - ( damit what situation I got into )

Rimuru - ( Veldora fighting with her sister and they are fighting in our captial this looks bad.)

Hey Veldora can you win

Veldora - don't ask me that now rim Rimuru but i have never defeated my big sis before

Scorch Dragon’ Velgrynd’s true nature was a very refined and beautiful form. It was more agile than Veldora, and its silhouette seemed to be suitable for flying in the sky. I wondered what kind of battle would be fought…

Even though it was late at night, the sky was unusually bright. The Great Jura Forest was all ablaze, the curtain of night reflecting a hazy red

Benimaru - this looks like a total nightmare i  have never seen this type of overwhelming power in my life

Hinata - they are on total different level ..  i was an idiot to think that i can take the true dragon alone

Lumnias- ( damn these Lizardzs i hate them i wish they just die fighting eachother)

Velzard -  Veldora looks stronger than before I wonder what happened to the boy in a short amount of time .

Velgrnd- huh he certainly looks strong but that's not enough to defeat me...

Everyone was watching the Battel intensely..

Ulitima- it's the first time I am seeing the battel between two true dragons how interesting...

Leon - I don't want to involved with them

Clownman - (, haha if I take these two and made them my puppet then there will be no one who can defeat me)

The capital ‘Rimuru’ had been evacuated inside the labyrinth, so it was not damaged, but if it had been left outside, it would have been obliterated without a trace. As proof of this, the great gate connecting the labyrinth to the outside world was also destroyed. Most likely, the upper floors of the labyrinth were devastated. The battle had reached a stalemate.

Rimuru - ( god thanks to that ladybirth looks like no one got hurt)

Rimuru - thank you ramiris san for the help

Ramiris- hehe thats not a big deal you can praise me more if you want

Rimuru - huh sure

Dino - i can't believe ramiris is being useful to someone

Ramiris - huh what did you say you traitor.. she fly toward dino and try to kick him but he dodege easily ..

Dino- now now don't call me that

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