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"See you around, kitty cat."

And like that, he was gone and Felicia Hardy, currently dressed in her guise as the cat burglar, 'Black Cat', is left with her eyes wide, her nostrils flaring, and her face bright red beneath the mask. If there was one thing Felicia enjoyed, it was teasing Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. The way that the two of them had come to be frenemies and come to know each other's secret identities wasn't entirely important. What was important was their current relationship, and all the fun that came with it. Or maybe that was now thoroughly-in-the-past relationship?

Felicia loved to mess with Peter. His reactions, especially as Spider-Man, amused her and thrilled her to no end. It helped that beneath the mask, he was actually kinda cute as well, provoking her to just want to gobble him up any way she could. Sure, she was a little older than him, but in her early twenties, the white-haired cat burglar felt like the toned, well-muscled Spider was DEFINITELY in her strike zone.

However, lately he seemed to have been growing bolder and bolder. Lately, it's been Felicia who's been the one left stammering and blushing. Because really, who wouldn't get hot and bothered when the Amazing Spider-Man went ahead and backed you up into a wall to brazenly grope your ass? Yeah, that was what Peter had just done, and then he'd delivered that parting quip and zipped off, just like that.

In her silence, Felicia had half been hoping that he'd show her right then and there just who was boss. She wanted… she wanted him to show her her place beneath him, if she was being honest. He was strong, and masculine, and apparently, he'd suddenly found the confidence to go along with his physique. So yeah, Felicia felt rather cheated that he'd just left her all hot and bothered before swinging away on his web.

This wasn't the first time it'd happened either. The groping, the teasing, Peter's confidence… all of it has been growing in frequency. But he still hasn't DONE anything to her. He still hasn't done anything besides cop a feel and molest her body before leaving her just right when things are getting GOOD. Felicia wants things to get good, she NEEDS things to get good.

There's only one answer. She's going to have to confront Peter himself and figure out what's going on with the guy. It shouldn't be too hard, he's not nearly as much of an awkward bumbling idiot as he used to be, so he has to have SOME sort of social life. Maybe she can get one of her friends to slip him an invite to a party, and see if he'd like to go…

With that thought shining in her head, a smile spreads across Felicia's face as she licks her lips. With a plan to execute, the cat burglar is suddenly feeling a lot better about herself, and about the future. Of course, that doesn't stop her from feeling the lingering sensations of Peter's strong grip squeezing her firm derriere, all the way back home.


"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck me harder Peter! Yes, yes, YES!"

… Trying to get Peter to go to a party hadn't worked out as well as Felicia had hoped. But at least now she knew why. Felicia blushes somewhat as she watches Peter fucking a very recognizable woman… Susan Storm, of the Fantastic Four. The Fantastic Four didn't have secret identities like Felicia and Peter did. Their faces were all over the news, constantly, their identities public, and even their home rather famous. The Baxter Building, where the Fantastic Four lived. Everyone knew them.

So, it was rather startling to watch Peter boning Susan Storm in the private pool of a hotel suite that had almost certainly been paid for by the blonde's money. He was just plowing into her from behind, and the older woman was taking it and begging for more like… like some sort of bitch in heat. But perhaps, at the end of the day, this wasn't as startling as it could be.

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