This a is a story about a young and charming child who grew up being hurt by the people said they care about her. When she was 18 she had searched for her dad hoping that he would be excited to see her when she tells him who she is. She finds out th...
I j-just f-f-f-found a picture of you in your bag." She said hesitating. " well, then why were you in my bag" I said as i looked in her bag and took the pepper spray to put it up at her face. She then said to put down the spray and sit on the bed with her so she can have a talk with me. So I put it down and set beside her on the bed. She said that "I was sent by your dad. He didn't want you to be on your trip alone he didn't want to lose you. I quickly said enough and got off the bed and walked over to the Window and look through the curtain. " Don't you care that he cares about you, you are even lucky you have a father". "Emily he left me and my other for some lowzy chick and you gonna ask me if I care, and I know that you don't have a father but let us not make this about you" I said ,filled with anger and screaming at her as she screamed at me. " You know for once I thought I had a friend , some one I can relate to and express my feelings with but it turns out you were not my friend but a lier who was faking to be my friend, so what I want you to do is get out of my house." I said. " No, I shall not because I am not the only one who lied too you, you told me so many good things about you and all I did was tell u the truth about me." She said I had then told her Why I didn't tell her the truth and she came up to me and gave me a hug. I decided to hug back because she smelt like sunflowers and dandelions in a meadow. So we grabbed are bags and left with 300 dollars in total. We got on the bus and took a train to get to the theater and, as we were on the train a man was staring at me and I told Emily. "Yes, hello can I get my face back?" She said yelling over to the man. I laughed and we just talked until it came to are stop. When we arrived at the theater it was a long line going from the ticket booth to around the corner but lucky people let us skip them. We decided to see the movie chestnut.The total came up to $145 dollars. So we payed and went inside." How do you think the movie will start off" she asked me as we walked in the theater room. I replied with a" I don't know and shhh!."As We Set There I Looked To The Left And Right Then Back. Where No One Was To Be Seen. The movie Started.
~Six Minutes Later~
"Doh-Doh-Doh" What Is That Did U Here That?" NO, Here What?"I Looked to the Left And So A Black Hoodie."What Is That Emily?" "What Is What. That Right There I Said Frightened To Death." She Shouted "Chase It". It Begin To Run And As Soon As We Looked Back From Hearing Another Noise. The Dark Figure Was Gone And Never Seen Again............
I Just Got Back On With This So I Will Be Finishing Up These Chapters And Comment On This Story And There Will Be More To Come😊😋
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