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Thank you all so much for the nice comments and I am very happy to keep the story going for you!
In this chapter, a fight scene will be shown and the first encounter of Jerza!

Erza: and Vengeance for my cheesecake!

Author: -sigh- lets get to the story!



I was starting to grow impatient as I waited for someone to make the first move. Fortunately I didn't have to wait that long as the first bandit started running towards the two of us. He pulled out a knife and tried to stab me in my thigh, but because he was slow I sidestepped and elbow him in he back. Then I brought out my Heart Kreus Sword and hit him in the head with the hilt of it. He was out cold.

One down, three to go.
~No Ones point of View~

The first guy was knocked out cold. Now it was the next threes' turn. Jellal wanted to try to help fight, so he looked around and picked up a small wooden staff that he saw near his foot. Then he ran at the guy on the left and swung his staff. He missed as the bandit dodged and was roughly punched in the stomach. He new hew had to get up. Jellal swung his feet around, forcing the bandit to stumble and fall. Then he kicked the dude in the stomach.

"Your going down kid!" Another bandit ran up towards Jellal with a knife. He was about to stab him when Erza came in and blocked the attack. She then she then jumped up and side-kicked him in the neck. He fell over coughing. "Thanks." Jellal said to Erza. "Don't mention it. We still have one to take down.

The last bandit was the leader who ordered Erza's cheesecake to be smashed. As Jellal started walking towards the man, Erza held her arm out in front of him." Wait. Let me take care of him", She said in a grim tone. "O-okay." Erza dragged her sword behind her as she slowly walked towards the leader. "Hah! Look who's back! Did you miss me, Cupcake? Sorry for the mess we made earlier. Let me pay with a tip!" The bandit jumped and he air and swung a knife at Erza. He was faster than the other three for sure, but he lacked common sense. He should have been more prepared to go up against Erza.

Erza easily blocked his attack with her sword and grabbed his arm. Then she started swinging him in a tornado type of motion. When she let go, she sent him flying to the back wall of the alley. She then turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were glowing again but this time they were bloodshot red. "Do you know what you've done?!" She raised her sword in the air and a faint red aura surrounded her. (A/N: So Dramatic O~O) "I am the captain of the Magnolian Army unit! Titania Erza! I will tear you apart for the awful deed you have done!" The bandit was now cowering at the sight of the woman before him and made a noise which sounded like a walrus just drank helium out of seven balloons and then implanted an elephant voice box into itself if that could even be physically possible.

Erza brought her sword to the air and screamed in his face. "I COULD NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR HURTING THE ONE I LOVE! ITS FAMILY YOU SICKO!" She picked him up by his collar, threw him in the air and seung her sword like a baseball bat making him hit a pole at the other side of the alley.

I watched Erza in aw as she did all this, surprised at how one woman could have the strength of an army. "Thanks for saving me back there. It looks like you have a grudge for something they did, yes?" I asked her. She nodded her head in a yes. "It was nothing. They did something unforgivably shocking that only a dimwit would have thought have doing..." "W-what did they do?" I asked nervously. "They...they...THEY RUINED MY CHEESECAKE!!" She then went to go shed a tear in the emo corner. "Wait what?" I thought they had taken someone dear to her, but it turned out to be such a little problem ending with such a demonic yet charming women almost ending them at this very moment. "Well now that that's over, how about we introduce ourselves. My name is Erza. Erza Scarlet." She smiled and pulled out her hand. Scarlet. She's so familiar. I shook her hand and introduced myself. My name is Jellal. Jellal Fernandes." She gasped and took her hand back. "J-Jellal? Is that really you?



I was in shock. I couldn't believe this was the man I grew up with when we were all out on the streets.

Don't worry Erza. We'll all be ok someday.

I Promise I will protect you all until the the day I die.

We will stick together to get through the this all guys. It's ok.

I took my hand back to myself after I remembered who he was. I couldn't believe after all these years, here he was rift in front of me. I felt happy as well as angry for seeing him. Why did he leave us? Did we do something to him? What will Milliana say when she finds out who he really is? All these thoughts swirled around in my head. I set them aside to speak.

"Jellal? Do you remember who I am?" He was confused for a minute, but then his eyes shot wide as he seemed to finally recall who I was. "E-erza? I can't believe I forgot... I can't believe it's you!" He gives me an apologetic smile and then hugs me tightly. I hug him back assuring him that it's ok.

After three long minutes, we finally break from the hug. "It's good to finally see you again. Where did you go? Why were you gone?" He looked as if he was struggling to remember something, but then sighed in defeat. "After waking up on the shore, I couldn't remember where I was and how I got there. It seemed as if I had lost my memory because I forgot everything about my past as well. As hard as I try, I could only remember you right now." We both stared at the ground for a minute. Then Jellal broke the silence.

"I'm really happy that I remembered someone from my past. I'm even happier it was you." He smiled happily as he spoke. "Since i don't know much about this town, why don't you show me around? It'll be fun!" I couldn't say no to him with a smile like that. "Of course! Let's do it in the morning so we can get an early start to see the whole town. Then I will show you the castle where you can meat everyone." He nodded and offered me a hand.

"Well to make sure we don't get attacked by dimwitted bandits again, how about we walk back together?" I accepted his hand and started walking. Why not? Let's go." We then walked back to the castle, happy to finally see each other again.


We finally made it to the castle and said our goodbyes. "Thanks once again for saving me Erza. Cya tomorrow." I smiled and waved to him. "Your welcome, Jellal. Goodnight." He went inside and closed the door to his room, leaving me to be the only one in the hallway. After taking in all that happened tonight I Finally decided to walk back to my room.


I walked into my room to see Milliana sitting on my bed playing with a ball of yarn. "Hello Er-Chan!" I jumped a little when I saw her. "M-Milliana what are you doing in my room at this time?!" she eyed me and looked as if I asked a stupid question. "What were you doing while you were out late with that boy hmm Er-chan?" I blushed a little. "Milliana it's not like that! Sigh, let me just explain it to you, then you need to go to bed! In your own room!" She smiled and got comfortable to here me speak. "Okey- Dokey Er-chan!" This was going to take a while...

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