chapter one; welcome to the end

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TWO MISSIONS. she has two missions she has to complete. find and kill annette and sherry birkin. and obtain the g-virus sample and turn it in to umbrella corporation headquarters. easy. nothing she couldn't handle before.



apparently-fucking-not. the universe is never on her side. especially when she's on missions for HQ. the said 'universe' decided to give her a real 'fuck you!' to the face when she arrived at a gas station. no one around except for a green jeep and a red bike. there was also a police car but the sirens weren't on. but the lights were. she sighed as she got out of her truck, noticing how dark it was inside the store. she tilted her head in confusion before reaching down to grab her gun that was in its beloved holster.

once she reached down, something-or someone-touched her shoulder, she turned quickly, holding him away from her as her back slammed against the window of her truck, the glass breaking on impact which caused more attention to her area from the alarm going off.

she groaned as she pulled the person away from after seeing their teeth. their teeth was a mixture of skin flesh and blood.

god damn they were strong.

their teeth kept getting closer and closer to her neck before a jump shot went off. she looked over to the door of the gas station to see a girl in a red leather jacket and a man with dirty
blonde hair. the man's gun raised after he shot the thing that was on her.

she glance around her, seeing more and more things approaching her before she looked over at the two again. "c'mon!" the girl yelled out.

she nodded before running over to the car with them in tow. she quickly got in the passenger seat, the boy getting in the driver seat as the girl got in the back. the guy quickly drove off, heading deeper into raccoon city.

"What the hell is going on?" the girl asked from the back. the passenger glanced back at her before looking at the guy as he spoke, "I don't know... Hopefully, they'll have some answers at the police station."

"Wait, you're a cop?" the passenger asked, feeling her face contort into a look of 'oh shit.' she quickly put on a face of confusion. she knew who this was.

leon kennedy. a rookie at the raccoon police department. he was supposed to start two weeks ago but didn't for some reason. he's twenty one years old. born october 27, 1977. just a year younger than her. and goddamn he was attractive. well, at least the passenger thought. (the writer does too)

"Yeah, Leon Kennedy. You are...?" leon's voice broke the passenger out of her daze as the girl in the back answered him, "Claire-Claire Redfield."

claire redfield. the passenger knew nothing of her. but the name redfield sounded familiar. "and you?" leon questioned the girl, causing her to stop staring out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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