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40 years ago...

Thunder rolled over head. The lake glittered orange from the fire raging in the forest. A group of cats stood at the water's edge staring at the flames above them. A black and white tom emerged from the flames, his paws were drenched in blood and his long claws shined in the fire's light. "I'm afraid to say some died in the fire, the rest died at my brother's paws."

"Why would he do this?" a cat cried. The black and white tom didn't answer, "He's gone. We have to get to the other side of the lake before the fire does."

A red tom ran through the forest, fire licked around him. His brother had disappeared, his heart pounded in his chest, he had already lost his parents, he wasn't about to lose his brother. He leaped onto a stump and yelled into the flames, "BONE!"

"Red." The tom turned around. Heather, his love, stood behind him. But something was off about her, she was calm, as if the forest wasn't on fire. He heard movement from behind him and looked over his shoulder. He was suddenly surrounded, he looked at Heather, "Why?"

A smile spread across her face, claws dug into Red's side. As he was plunged into darkness he noticed something, his attackers all had red glowing eyes.

1 year ago...

"OW!" a tom-kit screeched, he kicked his sister off of him. "Mom! Lily used her claws!"

A gray she-cat looked up, "Take it easy you two, you know what happens to naughty kits." The tom-kit's eyes widened. Lily laughed, "The red-eyed warrior's aren't real!"

"Did you know I had a sister?" The gray she-cat asked sitting up. The kits froze, "Really?"

"Her name was River. We went to bed and when I woke up, she was gone. My mother said she had gotten into some trouble with a cat and that she was taken by the red-eyed warriors." The gray she-cat said. The kits looked at each other, their eyes wide. "We promise to behave." The tom-kit mewed. The gray she-cat nodded, "Then come lay down, we're going to the lake in the morning, you'll need some rest."

The kits curled into the she-cats soft belly fur. They all drifted off to sleep.

When the tom-kit woke the next morning, Lily was gone, just like in his mother's story. 

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