Chapter 5

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Needless to say, my face was bright red as I walked into my job on my second day. I felt like everyone could tell what dirty thoughts I’d been having the night before about our two handsome bosses. I felt like my wicked sins were all over my face as I said hello to Tilly and some other people I’d me the day before in the office. And as I made my way to my desk outside their office, I realized with a small shiver up my back that I was absolutely dripping wet.

Anyways, like I said, it was the air conditioning that started the whole thing. I’d felt the heat as soon as I’d walked into the office; the hot, humid oppressive heat of a closed office building with no air conditioning in the middle of summer. Tilly looked a mess when she saw me, exasperatingly trying to explain the problem and how someone was coming but they weren’t here yet, and something about how unacceptable this was for a company of our stature.

By the time I got to my cubicle, I had drips of sweat slowly tricking down my spine. When I sat down at my desk by the window though, I groaned; bolted shut. Of course it was bolted shut, we were in an office on the thirty- somehingth floor of a building. Luckily, I’d grabbed iced coffee on the way in, and I gratefully took big swallow of it as I settled into my hot, leather chair for the day. I’d barely made it two minutes into my work when it happened.

The phone rang suddenly, and when I jerked around from my computer to answer it,my elbow caught the plastic cup of iced coffee sitting on the edge of my desk. Fuck. Me. It went everywhere; splashing all over my skirt as it dumped cold coffee and milk right into my lap. I jumped up with a shout, cursing at myself as I looked down at the ridiculous mocha-colored liquid rapidly staining the front of my clothes. Quickly, I grabbed the gym bag I’d brought to work with me for my workout after, and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could.

In the ladies room stall, I groaned as I took stock of the situation; there was no way I was wearing that skirt today, or maybe ever. I might’ve been able to soak some of the stain out with cold water - if I was at home, and not at my first day at my demanding new job. I ripped open my gym bag, praying that I had something in there besides running shorts or old sweatpants. Shit. The tennis skirt was tiny; like, really really tiny.

It was meant to be worn over some kind of compression shorts or leggings, but without those things, it might as well have been some sort of a slutty halloween costume. I groaned; why did this have to happen in my first week! Still, it was better than my coffee-stained mess of a dress skirt, so it’d have to do. And then I realized my other problem, and the panic really set in: my panties were soaked. Not soaked as in “oops I spilled some water”, and certainly not in the way my dirty thoughts of Luke and Jordan made them.

No, these were soaked with coffee, milk, and sugar. There was no fucking way I was going to keep them against my body like that all day in this heat. They’d have to go. Quickly, trying not to think about what I was about to do, I skimmed them down my legs and tossed them into my gym bag along with my wrecked skirt. When I saw myself in the mirror, I almost wanted to cry.  I looked in no way like I was there for professional reasons; unless that profession was jumping out of a cake or swinging around a pole for dollar bills. The skirt barely made it a third of the way down my smooth thighs, hardly covering my assas I turned to glance over my shoulder.

And God, knowing that I didn’t have any damn panties on underneath it only made it ten times worse! But, I had a job to do; there’s no way I could leave now. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and trying to calm myself, before I turned and headed back out to the office. I felt absolutely scandalous walking back through the rows of cubicles back to my own desk next to Mr. Steel and Mr. Stone’s office door. No one said anything, but I know I saw more than a few raised eyebrows as I marched back to my desk with my bare legs flashing for the whole office.

What didn’t help was that every swish of my legs and every wisp of air that tingled up my tiny skirt had a teasing effect on my bare slit, making me blush even deeper as I walked back. Finally, I got to the quiet of my own desk and partition, and sat down with a heavy sigh and buzzing sense of wild desire threatening to burst out of me from the saucy little display I’d just given the whole office. I gasped as I sat on the warm leather chair when I realized my bare ass and pussy were going to be touching the leather itself without anything in between; the skirt was simply too small.

Whats more, the humid heat of the office and the warm touch of the leather against my bare lips had an almost erotic effect of me, and I found myself biting my lip as I tried to concentrate on the computer screen in front of me. Just make it through the day, thats it. “Sasha? Would you come in here?” The intercom squawked to life with the sound of Mr. Steel’s gruff, husking voice, and I bit my lip groaned: I was going to have to walk into those men’s office, dressed like this.

I clenched my fists tightly, forcing myself to stand and turn towards the big wooden door. You can do this. They probably just want you to fax something; in and out.I felt my face blush at the “in and out” innuendo before I pushed that thought away, open the big doors, and stepped inside. The door swung shut behind me. Their desks were on either side of the room, facing each other. Mr. Steel sat back in his big leather chair, behind his huge smooth wooden desk and surrounded by the richly wooded shelves holding hundreds of leather-bound books that walled the office.

Mr. Stone stood by the window, looking over some papers. They both turned and looked up, grinning at me as I stepped in - both with those same smugly confident smiles I’d seen yesterday at our first meeting. The second thing I noticed after how insanely attractive they still were, was how cool it was. Their office had it’s own air conditioning. I groaned in relief, feeling the cool air breeze over me, only then being reminded about my lack of panties as the cool air teased up my legs, making me shiver. Jordan raised an eyebrow at me as his eyes hungrily moved up my smooth, bare legs.

“Hardly office attire, wouldn’t you say Sasha?” I blushed bright red, stammering in front of him; “I’m- I’m so sorry, Mr. Stone, I spilled coffee, and-“ “It’s fine.” Luke waved his hand dismissively from behind his desk, before standing and moving around to the front of it and leaning back against it. “And how are you finding the new duties?” God he was attractive. They both were, and my dirty little fantasies of the previous night came rushing back in a heated flush. Those damned smiles, supremely confident and almost cocky, and those piercing eyes shamelessly wandered up and down the generous expanse of my legs that were openly on display.

And while every other guy back out there in the rest of the office had tossed their suit jackets aside and pulled at their ties hours ago, this office was cool enough that they were still impeccably dressed in their tailored suits. “Th-they’re good!” I said cheerily. “Aside from the iced coffee of course.” Jordan smirked. “Glad to hear it.” He moved from the window and started walking across his office. “Sasha, would you mind working in here for the afternoon and assisting us in re-filing a few things around the office?” He smirked. “That is, if you won’t get too cold in here.” I nodded. “Of course!” “Excellent;” he said, his eyes still on my scandalously bare legs before darting to Luke, who was also eyeing me the same way that send a little thrill through my body. “You can begin with that stack over there by the bar cart.”


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