Chapter 5

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Kara's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling still unsure.I could not help it I needed to see her I needed to be sure what is wrong with Lena.Our encounter with Mike,Lena was silent the whole time Mike was there.

Then I remember that game night was coming and Mike was also invited to join us Friday night.I wonder if Lena was uncomfortable with him,if that is the reason then I will uninvite him Lena is more important to me to the family than  he is.

I quickly got ready for the day I prepared my stuff and the literature essays I am still busy marking and headed out the door.The first thing I thought was to talk to Lena about yesterday.

I arrived at the school,parked my car and entered the school building.I headed for my classroom first to put my things on my desk.After that I went to the teacher's lounge to find Lena.She was talking to Sam,Nia and Kelly all three of them sitting at the table talking.

"Hey guys,how is everyone this morning?" I asked trying to make conversation.Alex entered right on time.
"We are all good thank you"Kelly answered.
Just when I worked up the courage to ask Lena to talk,Mike came walking towards us and I could see Lena's facial expression change but I don't know to what.

"Good morning everyone and Kara."Mike greeted everyone and lastly he greeted me with a hug.

I couldn't help but look at Lena after Mike hugged me.Was I looking for a response or reaction I don't know,but she simply just smiled at me and for the first time annd I just blushed at her smile.

Lena's POV

I think Kara wanted to tell or ask me something when Mike enveloped her with a hug.I decided to just smile at her and for once her facial expression mesmerized me but,how weird of Mike, poor Kara obviously didn't want that hug.I wonder if he is invited for game night this Friday.I will still go if he is,maybe I can do or say something to make him disappear.I know that sounds wrong but I can't help it he just irritates me so much especially when Kara is around.

After our teacher's meeting about what will happen today.As I was gathering my things Kara came up to me.

"Hey!" Kara said.
"Hey..."I said back.
"Can we talk before class private."Kara asked and I could see she is nervous but why.
"Yeah of course.Do you want to talk in my classroom?"I asked Kara.
Kara nods and says."Yes,that sounds perfect."
So we both gather our things and walked in comfortable silence to my class.

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